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Post 1


I'm still not sure how to use this h2g2 thingy! Hope you can help with advice to point me towards jewellery making,


Post 2


Hi yourself!
Where to start! smiley - smiley A good idea is to look at a specialised magazine or some books for ideas and decide on some beginner's techniques.

One does not need tons of expensive materials to start with. One's own jewellery box will often contain broken treasures that can be assembled in a different way with a few extra beads.

Googling will also help you get an idea of what would be good to start with.

If she just wants to try and string up a few beads then waxed floss will be great for the job. Cheap, but very durable. smiley - smiley

Don't go overboard buying beads at first. It is well worth comparing prices.

Is that the kind of info you will need?

Oh, and here is what one can do with a knitting doll and nylon thread.


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