This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1


Hello stranger,hope you're smiley - ok
I havent been able to get to your space for ages,i wonder why i managed it todaysmiley - weird
Anyhow,just wanted to say hello,and send a smiley - hug


Post 2


Hey darlin'! smiley - hug

What do you mean you haven't been able to access my space? That's very strange.

I didn't think any person's PS here was any more or less accessible than any others.

It's probably just you! smiley - winkeye

So what's doing? I haven't seen you about in ages. I also don't hang about here as much as before. I hope things are going well for you.

I'm so pleased you dropped by, sal. A very lovely surprise. smiley - smiley



Post 3


smiley - laughHI AZsmiley - hug
Of course it's me,it's the digibox that won't let me go to certain spacessmiley - wah
If im on the PC i can get here,but i don't often use that.
We're smiley - ok here smiley - ta,i hope you and noggin are as well???
Not doing anything spectacular,as usual.Lovely to chat with you though,as always.


Post 4


I'd forgotten about the digibox, sal... smiley - hug

Things are going well. Nog is getting more work teaching and he's quite enjoying it. We went to the Algarve in Portugal for a few days in March and had a lovely time, but I don't think I'll be travelling much more this year.

How about you? Been back to the States lately?



Post 5


smiley - smiley Hello againsmiley - hug
I hear that portugal is really nice,but it's the old problem of cobbled streets,billy battling with the wheelchair,and my teethsmiley - biggrin
We went to Florida in october,it was lovely,but i was ill when we went ,had a few good days in the middle of the hols,then was smiley - yuk again before we came homesmiley - sadface
It was the first time we'felt cool in the evenings,so next time it'll have to be earlier in the year.
I'm glad things are going well,and that nog is enjoying his teachingsmiley - applause
I shall have to try and create a photo page with some some holiday snaps on,but you know how good i am with anything that doesn't say enter or sendsmiley - laugh
I must make an effort to keep in touch,now that i've managed to get here!!smiley - hug for both of you!

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