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He's at it again!
azahar Posted Feb 18, 2008
I wonder how long he'll stay unsubbed this time?
Definitely something della-esque about that one.
And the no caps thing is really tedious, much like the writer.
He's at it again!
azahar Posted Feb 19, 2008
Oh, and I got all feisty over here just now... F135418?thread=5116062&post=59578158#p59578158
I know, not PC at all, and it'll probably shake things up a bit. Oh, perhaps that had been my intention...
Child abusers with *rights*? I seriously don't think so ...
He's at it again!
azahar Posted Feb 19, 2008
Yep, but it hadn't been modded when I last posted here...
Oh well.
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He's at it again!
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