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Caesar salad dressing, eh?

Post 21

Mu Beta

All went fine. It thickened a bit in the fridge and came out a bit mayonnaisey, but no-one has yet reported any salmonella to me.


Caesar salad dressing, eh?

Post 22


It's best when it's just slightly mayonnaisy - all the better to cling to the croutons, my dear. But I can see how leaving it in the fridge overnight would make it go extra thick.

I was told that after adding the lemon juice to the egg yolk this somehow 'chemically cooked' it, so salmonella wouldn't be a problem, especially if eaten straight away. You'd know more about this than me, if that is actually true.


Caesar salad dressing, eh?

Post 23

Mu Beta

I don't know about 'chemically cooked', but lemon juice should prove too acidic for most bacteria, yes.

The thickness wasn't a problem on its own - it was trying to toss it through four big platters piled high with lettuce, parmesans and croutons without ending up with salad all over the floor.


Caesar salad dressing, eh?

Post 24


Ah, but was it tasty?


Caesar salad dressing, eh?

Post 25

Mu Beta

No complaints so far.


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