This is the Message Centre for azahar

SF expert

Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Just as an aside (and I don't want to get involved in the argument, yes argument not discussion). Before you trade barbs with the *SF film expert* again, have a look at this:

Classic! And you can see that there are literally hundreds if not thousands more like her out there!

smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

SF expert

Post 2


Where do you find these things? smiley - biggrin

Nah, I'm not getting involved in an argument or trading barbs with anyone. It's just that the comment about the Germans was so 'classic' that it really was like someone doing a parody.

Meanwhile, the reply comment was rather violent. And twisted. Laughing myself sick about her on a thread? Interesting interpretation.

She really doesn't do herself any favours, but I guess she knows that. And I should know better than to ever comment on anything she writes.

As for The Great Canadian Spite Campaign ... it is to laugh. Sadly, whilst shaking our heads.


SF expert

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

We're so Eeeeeeeeeeeeevil! Muhahahaha!

Stuff like that is easy to find, just Google *religious nut jobs*. smiley - laugh

SF expert

Post 4


Is this a closed conspiracy, or can any Canadian enlist?

Mwahahahahahahahaha smiley - evilgrin

SF expert

Post 5


I think you'd have to ask Della smiley - winkeye but I'm sure she would consider you 'suitable' Canadian conspiratorial material. Even though she thinks you're actually an American posing as a Brit.

As I'm sure you know, it was the same kind of paranoid accusations (back when Della was calling herself Apple) that inspired six7s to create the smiley - disco az cabal smiley - disco ...

smiley - smiley


SF expert

Post 6


That would explain her recent inclination to wander off on anti-American tirades.

Do you think there's a chance I could convince her I'm Armenian? I'd like to find out what stereotypes she'll dredge up.smiley - biggrin

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