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Yay! You're on the Front Page..
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Started conversation Jan 15, 2008
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
azahar Posted Jan 15, 2008
Yeah, blicky told me yesterday! Whaddaya gonna do? Can't get good help anymore these days. Derek honey has totally forgotten me...
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jan 15, 2008
Maybe he's off sick with the flu
Can't blame Nats too much.. Or, can we??
I know where to find her hobnobs
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
Derek Posted Jan 16, 2008
Forgotten yoo? FORRR-GOTTTEN YOU?! How could you imagine such a thing? I'm just, well, late that's all. Congratulations!
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jan 16, 2008
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jan 16, 2008
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Posted Jan 16, 2008
az, hasn't your name graced the front page once before? I seem to recall a conversation in which you asked them to change your initial from /A/ to /a/.
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
azahar Posted Jan 16, 2008
Yep, that was me!
This is the second time my PS has been on the Front Page ... another time I was the Quote of the Day, coincidentally (?) for saying something to Derek honey.
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jan 22, 2008
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jan 22, 2008
Yay! You're on the Front Page..
azahar Posted Jan 22, 2008
Well, according to a certain researcher, I have *mind control powers of influence* over the Eds here.
Gosh, looks like it's true, eh?
Go ahead and him Bels, he must be over the flu by now.
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Yay! You're on the Front Page..
- 1: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jan 15, 2008)
- 2: azahar (Jan 15, 2008)
- 3: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jan 15, 2008)
- 4: Derek (Jan 16, 2008)
- 5: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jan 16, 2008)
- 6: azahar (Jan 16, 2008)
- 7: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jan 16, 2008)
- 8: TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office (Jan 16, 2008)
- 9: azahar (Jan 16, 2008)
- 10: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 17, 2008)
- 11: azahar (Jan 17, 2008)
- 12: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 17, 2008)
- 13: azahar (Jan 17, 2008)
- 14: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 17, 2008)
- 15: azahar (Jan 17, 2008)
- 16: aka Bel - A87832164 (Jan 22, 2008)
- 17: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jan 22, 2008)
- 18: aka Bel - A87832164 (Jan 22, 2008)
- 19: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jan 22, 2008)
- 20: azahar (Jan 22, 2008)
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