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It's been a while....
mommiebird12 Started conversation Aug 26, 2007
hi azahar!
It's been such a long time since I visited the site. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and remember ME? Barb....and all my birdies...Poppy., etc. etc. I've forgotten how to do anything here. May need some help, have CRS syndrome...LOL
So many things are new for me. I've picked up and moved to New Jersey. I am a gramma...two granddaughters, and loving every minute of it....We are all living in one big house..I love having the family together! New Jersey is great...such a tremendous difference from living in New York City.
I still commute to the same job. It actually takes less time for me to get to work then when I was living in New York...go figure....
Well, I hope you have time to chat and let me know what's new with you!
It's been a while....
azahar Posted Aug 27, 2007
Hey Barb! What a nice surprise to hear from you - and very nice to hear that things are going so well.
What's new with me? Gosh, where to start? Seriously ... I don't remember the last 'news' you had from me.
Anyhow, been enjoying a nice month off - no classes in August. It's been a very relaxing 'stay at home' holiday, just doing whatever I want, whenever I feel like it. And no alarm clocks! Well, except for the four-legged pointy-eared variety who always get us up at 7 to serve brekky.
I've been to both Lisbon and Barcelona this year - you can see photos here...
Have you visited my blog yet? I tend to spend more time there these days than on h2g2...
I see you have a new PS. Planning to stick around?
It's been a while....
mommiebird12 Posted Aug 27, 2007
been catching up slowly. Didn't know about you and Noggin.
Happy Anniversary..when exactly is that????? LOL
How wonderful!
Saw your pics of your 50th birthday. Very nice
and some of those food shots make me hungrier, if that is possible!
I will try to hang around...So much going on here at the moment.
But slowly I will try to figure out how to post some pics of me and my crew.
Looking forward to "hanging around".
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It's been a while....
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