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The Forum - in case you were wondering...

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

... it is like this who make me want to scream, and avoid the place like the plague unfortunately I can't be bothered with him - he loves the sound of his own voice and is unfortunately pandered to by other Forumites who "should know better" and as long as people see the stuff he spouts (even without knowing his background and what a 'merchant banker' he is) they are out of there like greased weasel shit off a teflon shovel.

The Forum - in case you were wondering...

Post 2


Good response! smiley - biggrin

Though I had taken Arnie's comment as being tongue-in-cheek - seems to me the whole 'link demand' thing has now become a bit of a joke.


The Forum - in case you were wondering...

Post 3


Oh, and the dodgy finger turned out to be a severed tendon! smiley - yikes


The Forum - in case you were wondering...

Post 4

Sho - employed again!


and if Arnie wants to make jokes he might like to learn to:

a) use the smilies
2) not be so dismissive of people's opinions

smiley - smiley

so, what's the treatment for the finger? I hope you're making Nog do housework for 3 weeks...

The Forum - in case you were wondering...

Post 5


Treatment for the finger can be read about here...

Meanwhile, Wilma and others are wrong about me trying to get people to 'like and understand' Arnie. I simply offered another response to him (my own) which I thought might help them not feel so angry towards him - which it didn't.

I rather doubt that the 'Arnie' character cares if people like him or not - heck, even I find him exasperating at times, though I think I kind of 'get' what he's doing and why. The person who has created Arnie is actually someone I like very much and we get along very well communicating by email or sometimes on IM.

Likewise I posted something about the somewhat patronising comments about SoRB coming across 'almost human and caring' on some thread or other. WTF? Again, people being just as judgemental as they accuse him of being.

And then other comments about there being a clique or 'in-crowd' on h2g2, which always makes me laugh. Because these 'exclusive clubs' are totally created by those watching, not at all by those just being who they are - or better said, how they choose to present themselves on a public forum.

Heck, I was accused of being such a person once here (by Della) and the result was a very funny 'cabal' for awhile. Which was created by others, not me, though of couse I played along and quite enjoyed it as I'd never been a 'High Priestess' before. smiley - biggrin

Just to say, that if you ever find what someone posts to be diagreeable, you could always pop over to their PS for a more 'private' word with them. If that goes tits up then oh well. At least you tried. Starting posts elsewhere in an attempt to 'talk behind someone's back' on a public forum clearly won't ever work.

The only 'monsters' I've ever come across on h2g2 are the obvious trolls. And one or two others who seem rather monstrous to me even though most of their comments appear to be 'dripping with honey'.


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