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Buenos Dias

Post 1


Something I've been meaning to ask, how difficult is conversational Spanish to pick up?

At one point Mrs SWL & I were seriously planning on moving to Panama, where she has family. She lived there for a year or so when she was 16 and picked up the language really quickly. How did you find coping with the language?

Buenos Dias

Post 2


You again! smiley - smiley

When I first moved to Spain from Bristol I didn't have any Spanish at all. I found I picked up a LOT in the first 3-6 months just by being out and about and talking with people. And aside from referring to my handy '12,000 Verbs' book I've never actually studied Spanish. Frankly, it would have been a lot better if I *had* studied, but at the time I had no extra money for classes and later on I just got lazy.

I think the key is to get out as much as possible and talk to as many people as possible. And try not to translate, just use as much grammar and vocabulary as you have and then go on from there.

Have you ever been to Panama?


Buenos Dias

Post 3


No, but I've got the hat smiley - biggrin

The wife was there during Noriega and she tells some hair-raising stories, but it's all changed now. The economy is doing well and there are plenty of opportunities. I tried chatting with my brother-in-law's Mexican maid once. smiley - headhurts She talked like a machine gun and I couldn't keep up.

Buenos Dias

Post 4

Noggin the Nog

That's always the biggest problem, particularly when you get old and deaf. I can read Spanish moderately well, but I can't follow a conversation.


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