This is the Message Centre for azahar

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 1

The Reverend Something or Other

I noted you having to justify, clarify or just plain mollify folks as to what you were REALLY trying to say in two different threads this morning. Do you suppose it's a phase of the moon making them so darn touchy? I agree with one of your statements to the effect that no matter what you say, someone somewhere can find a way to see the worst in it.

Have a happy Poets !!!

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 2


hi Rev smiley - biggrin

I started replying to your last posting from yesterday about three times this morning but kept getting interrupted. Then I went out for a late lunch with a friend and quite possibly had a bit too much smiley - redwine and so have been rambling on a bit more here.

Thing is, I tend to be somewhat opinionated and, not being British smiley - winkeye I'm a bit more straightforward than a lot of other people here. On the other hand, I honestly do not ever say anything *ever* with the intent to insult or upset anyone. But it seems I have yet to learn the fine art of garlanding my words so that they are totally inoffensive to all who read them. Ho hum.

Personally I am a fan of the Divine Ms M who very wisely said - F**k em if they can't take a joke! Of course, would not be a wise stance to take on a public forum! smiley - smiley

So, you get back to the rock quite frequently. I was only there once, when I was 18. Many moons ago. Hitchhiked there from Winnipeg (and back again) with my boyfriend to have an adventure and also visit my father's relatives. The Newfie accent still cracks me up. I love it. Has it changed much? I mean, has Newfoundland become more like the rest of Canada now or does it remain its charming weirdo self?


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 3

The Reverend Something or Other

As to the "if they can't take a joke, ...", I fully concur. Mind you, that stance didn't pay off well in the military. Oh well, ...

Indeed, the Newf accent is unique as are their people. I would never think of calling them wierd, but perhaps that comes from living in about eight different bits of Canada. (I call them any number of other things, but only to my daughter as she is one and can take a joke.) I've discovered from county to county, even, attitudes, notions and life-styles are distinct. Perhaps that's why I never got on with the "distinct society" claim Quebec wanted built in law.

One query, when hitching cross-country, didn't things get a bit wet during that LARGE step from Nova Scotia to the Rock?

Have a real smiley one. I must get to my Dairy Queen lunch before it congeals too much.

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 4


You misunderstand me! (oh no! not you too!!! smiley - wah )

I use the term 'weird' to mean quite a compliment. Hence, Newfies are quite weird and wonderful and usually tell the best (worst?) Newfie jokes.

Large step from North Sydney NS to Port aux Basque (sp?) was a six hour ferry ride during which I threw up the whole time. So in some ways things did get a bit wet, yes.

Dairy Queen lunch? Why?


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 5

The Reverend Something or Other

DQ, because it's there, half a mile from work and I was too d*****d lazy to make lunch this morning. Such as it is, it's still far preferable to Harvey's, McD's or A & W. DQ products atleast pass by a meat-market on the way to the grill.

Trust me, I inform my little fat girl that Newfs are much more than weird. She just loves it when I refer to her 3.5 months of pregnancy as fat and then ask how Daryl & Daryl are doing? (My choice of names should they be boys in-the-making)

Indeed, nothing like a LONNNNNG ferry ride on the windiest day in recorded history. With travels like that, who needs dieting?

Anyway, back to work. Keep smiling ...

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 6


Who needs dieting? Um, me?

I'm still quite annoyed with a friend of mine who got serious food poisoning last week, spent two days in hospital and ended up losing five kilos!!! Lucky cow! smiley - winkeye

Just showing off a bit of my superficial side. smiley - smiley


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 7

The Reverend Something or Other

I did one even better than that. I spent the summer of '85 in Florida on a course. The gvt provided a ridiculous amount of money for meals and so we continually got stuffed at all-you-can-eat-of-todays-catch buffets. I left Canada at 160 lbs and four months later tipped scales at 185.
A week after returning, some "bug" tweeked me in that I had full energy and rest, just no appetite. In two weeks all was normal again and I found myself at 162 lbs. Plus/minus 5, that is the same weight I've been now for 20 years on the see-food diet and a serious physical regimen of do-what-I-gotta-but-not-much-more.

As a copmpletely unrelated aside: I've followed and posted a couple to the "abortion" thread and caught your story earlier. Please accept due reguards. My first spontaneously lost one at about 2.5 month and I know how that hit both of us. To have to make the choice is not something I would wish on anyone.

Okay, gloomy clouds are gone (from the PC, not our outdoors, what a yick day). Now go have bunches of fun for the week-end. I know I shall with everyone's fave hobby, SPRING CLEANING. smiley - sadface

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 8


Spring cleaning???

Surely it can't be anywhere near spring in Ontario yet! smiley - winkeye


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 9

The Reverend Something or Other

Well, we thought it was, green grass, robins returned, etc. But now those people at the meteorological (say that thrice fast) are proffering snow for tomorrow. I'm sooooo confused.

On the other hand, beside four fingers and a thumb, I note you are stirring another possibly-very-messy-pot in the threads. A cure, huh?

Have a great time of it all.

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 10


Blickybadger calls it 'az bingo'. Trying to guess which controversial Guardian/Observer newspaper article I'm going to use to start a new conversation thread. When he gets it right he posts 'bingo!' on the thread. smiley - smiley

Sorry to hear about the snow. Here the last of the orange blossom is falling from the trees and I am wearing sandals! smiley - cool


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 11

The Reverend Something or Other

Note 1: I did look up "azahar" from curiosity and note it relates to orange blossoms as well as quite a lovely looking part of the world. Coincidental that you mentioned the blossoms this morning? Fine!!! In a handful of months, we'll have apple blossoms in places we don't even want to think about. So there !!!

Note 2: You've got quite a good thread going about all those perverts, misfits and other deviants that don't realize that, if there is a God, he/she absolutely loves variations and has probably designed more flavours than have yet been quite admitted.

Note 3: I was going to try the sandal bit but the 6 degree C and squelchy muck is a bit of a deterent.

Again, please do continue to have a fabulously fine one.

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 12


Nobody has checked out my Molvanîa thread yet! Or maybe they have and don't find it as funny as I did. Ho hum.

Yes, 'azahar' means orange blossom (my favourite flower) and there is also the 'costa del azahar' here in Spain, near Valencia I think.

Well, I'm hoping the thread about 'curing' homosexuals will get more interesting later on . . . Saturday morning is not the best time to start a thread, I find.


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 13

The Reverend Something or Other

So sorry to hear that no-one wants to play with your Molvania (sorry again, no letter-sets for accentuation) line. What and where is it ? Yes, indeed, saturday is slow for those OTHER people that have a life outside their homes and families.. (Pity them??) Mind you, some threads don't even do well during the week, ie: my bit about "National Pride" ( But hey, my entries at the "What makes you shudder" seem to do okay ... I have been thoroughly enjoying the "Let's sue somebody" thread (Bicky gets REAL agitated, perhaps justly?) and some of the most serious thoughts in the "Partial Birth ..."). All in all, I mostly enjoy the totally inane stuff, ie: "Four Word Postings". Keeps the day lighter and care(r) free, sorta. Do tell nore about your environs, orange blossoms and stuff. I know agricultural southern Ontario as my roots and real-world nature, growing in the spring, is great. I loved northern Nova Scotia (and a bit here) for their spring-time apple blossom time. And of course, LILACS! These things, (aside from spreading of animal waste) are spring-time!!!

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 14


Check it out: F19585?thread=403964


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 15



Yes, and some people also sleep! What time is it where you are now?

Well, I just got back from a bit of Saturday morning-ish shopping. The streets are choc-a-block with tourists as Semana Santa (Easter Week) starts tomorrow. So I'll probably be online even more than usual next week since I won't have any work.


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 16

The Reverend Something or Other

Okay, noting that you are still on-line as we speak, it is 8:55 am Ontario.

Tomorrow we drop back an hour.

Happy contending with the touristas ...

BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 17


And Moldavîa???


BTW: what scent are you wearing ...

Post 18

The Reverend Something or Other

Isn't Moldavia that fictional place that you tell the kids about, lurks in their gym-gear bag, locker, etc, if they don't swap out the socks and stuff?

Hah! No it isn't, found it in my 18-year-old 'cyclo. However, looking at the brief write-up, I think I would prefer the sports locker smiley - erm

Nice bit to "National, ..." Helps to keep an open mind working. Please do note my (with spousal approval) reply.

STILL going on about enjoying a blecky week-end. Can you say sponge? Mr Clean? Bucket ? Wahhhhh !

Different tack on things ...

Post 19

The Reverend Something or Other

Maybe a cross-over of threads should happen, say "Let sue somebody for picking on me because I am or know homosexuals who don't like flags in front of abortion clinics". Too long, ya think ?

How's your day been? I was dragged kicking and screaming to shop for supplies and such for the next wave of grand-kids. So far, I'm quite glad to not know the exact count or gender of who-is-yet-to-arrive. There are WAYYYY too many cute-and-sweet and studly-manly-man clothes out there. I'd go broke in one shot!

Now, on with the *terribly deep groan* cleaning ...

Different tack on things ...

Post 20


Did you *have* to encourage her??? I was hoping she would just go away. . . smiley - groan


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