This is the Message Centre for Drystane Dyke

Hi Lilac & Chocolate

Post 1


How lovely that you've made it over here - my human has wandered off for a few minutes so I thought I'd exercise my typing skills to greet you both and wish you well in h2g2.

It's been a lovely bright sunny autumnal day here in the South East and I've spent a large part of it snoozing in the sun. The usual tea and then after allowing her to stroke me gently I adjourned to my arm chair for the rest of the evening.

smoked slamon and fond purrs to you both



Hi Lilac & Chocolate

Post 2

Drystane Dyke

Well, Harry, how nice to see you. We have been quite reasonably treated recently as that long-shanked, curly-headed creature who usually takes Her away from Us overnight seems to be (temporarily, we fear) mobility-challenged & sleeping on the guest-bed downstairs. So We have Her ( & her hot-water-bottle) to Ourselves. Far be it from us to rejoice in another's misfortune, but we will be recommending extra bouts of The Dashing White Sergeant to That Woman as soon as she is out of plaster.

Schadenfreude? Nous?

Hi Lilac & Chocolate

Post 3


Well if either of you have a problem, please don't hesitate to share it with me smiley - wow

smiley - senior

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