This is the Message Centre for JockMacAbre

PunK Is DeAd

Post 1


you bitch.... punk died ages ago.... the new thing now is pop rock bands like,

good charlotte, sugarcult, finch, something corporate, simple plan

just bitch bands like that what ever happened to bands like,

amen, misfits, sex pistols, buzzcocks, the exploited, rancid, stiff little fingers, patti smith

its all weak s**t now.....

PunK Is DeAd

Post 2


To be honest Amen are still around, so are Rancid...
Sex Pistols were just a stupid cartoon band.
Youre right though, punk is dead.

PunK Is DeAd

Post 3

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Bryan... don't think that Stuart can see the posts... as he was being really offensive on here... without knowing who he was... I reported him to Loup and Loup yikes all his postings and his personal space...

I don't like Stuart as he annoyed me with "threatening" e-mails before... he's Stephs brother yeah... I've seen Kirsty on too... this is turning into LD... that's not good...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 4


That was Stuart?
He is gettin his head kicked in?
I cant be arsed with him no more!!

PunK Is DeAd

Post 5

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Bryan... yeah... it was Kirsty's bro...

He said you and him are mates... and he said to Kirsty to "b**w him off" and told Princess Loz the same...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 6


Well, it seemed me and him were ok again, but that message about punk was just plain rude.
And he picks on Kirsty all the f**kin time ust cause we talk on the phone now and again.... Keeps on sayin we are havin phone sex and stuff... Me and Kirsty are just mates, she is like my lil sister.

PunK Is DeAd

Post 7

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Bryan... I dealt with him good enough in his "attacks"... he said sorry etc... but he was full of it...

I've never liked him...

I'm gona say hi to Kirsty on her space... see how she is etc...

She said hi to you in a message... don't know if you've seen it or not...

Punk's not dead... if it were then we wouldn't be havig this conversation as the dead are forgotten... and punk certainly hasn't been forgotten... has it... it's just "evolved" over the years... but in a slump of evolution... like a man turning into a dog or something...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 8


Yeah, i got Kirsty's message.

It wouldnt be too wise to message Kirsty, she dont like you too much after you butted in between her and Alan... y'know?
Give it a try actually.... she is a forgiving person i reckon.

Well, i guess your right.
I wanna try revolutionise punk rock with my new (non existant yet) band. Lets see how that goes.... Been in 3 bands already and they've went to s**t lol

PunK Is DeAd

Post 9

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Lol... oh... butting in?????... huh???... no clue there mate... as far as I know... he was sick of Kirstys family always abusing him on LD and on the phone, so he just broke up with her... I had nothing to do with them breaking up...

I'll message her... to see what's up/how she is blah blah...

The entertainment business i.e bands etc is a right b**ch to get through to the world...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 10


Aye, just give her a wee message. She might take to ya, i dunno lol

I'll try my best to get through to folk... I know its hard... But i'll try.
Ive got rid of this whole "im more punk cause im underground" mentality... I wanna be successful, and i wanna sell as many records as i can. I wanna try make Britians taste in music a bit better, and maybe some bands wil learn from mine.
I wont sell out, or be commercial... I just wanna do my best.

PunK Is DeAd

Post 11

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)


Well Ican say that most of the "big name bands" today have pretty much sold out completely... even Ozzy Osbourne has been manipulated by that cr**... his blo**y wife... pain in the butt... if you become succesful etc... DON'T GET MARRIED until you're over 45...

It doesn't matter in my case as I've no wish to be "famous"... Isimply want my work to be appreciated... I've won an award already... which I was kinda dissapointed by... I don't want trophies or anything, just for someone to say... nice job... or something...

(oh I got the "award" for one of my music videos... a smalltime thing, but still it's good to make stuff like that and get appreciated for it) blah blah blah blah blah, lol...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 12


Fame is bullshit...
I dont want it.... but if it goes with the territory... then shit happens lol

I aint gettin married anyway.
The only lass i see spendin the rest of my life is Louise, and there is no sure chance of me gettin back with her.... might happen, might not... She dont even know lol

And if i get a record deal, aand we are doin a video, youre the guy im comin to, ok? lol

PunK Is DeAd

Post 13

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Fame is BULLS**T I know, Iwant nothing to do with it... Ihate being in front of a camera as it sickens me to act like a fool for nothing... but I like commanding these people (actors) to act like fools, lmao...

Louise is a REALLY touchy subject so I'll not say owt on that...

Yeah course... come down... I'll get you in make-up and wardrobe... and then we'll talk about a music video, lmao...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 14


How do you mean its a touchy subject? Gimmie a clue

I dont require no fuckin wardrobe.... i'll be wearing what i'll be wearing lol

PunK Is DeAd

Post 15

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Well the whole history that's developed between you...

I just don't wanna get involved with it... I'm a bad omen for other peoples relationships... as you know...

It was a joke about the wardrobe, lol...

But you didn't object to wearing make-up, lol...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 16


Ah right... ok then dude.
Can i ask.... do you still talk to Louise...?

Dude, you know i wear make-up... Im wearin eyeliner just now lol

PunK Is DeAd

Post 17

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Nah, not spoken to Louise in months... did'nt even know she came on here...

any ideas where she's at lately???...

I didn't know you were makeup, lol... I've seen your picture, it didn't show any make-up or owt... just you in an orange shirt...

I was going to send you that picture witha crusty stain on it, lmao... But decided not to...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 18


Why dont you email her then... thought you had her email address..?

I talk to her all the time now, its good.... Its kinda stopped me crying over her all the time... I realised i was gettin really really obsessive over her, so, i decided to email her... and she decided to talk to me.... we been talkin for weeks now. Im happy.

Yeah, i dont wear make-up all the time, i aint gothic or aything... Just like i little bit of black around my eyes and stuff. Louise got me into it lol

I cant believe it... you Jizzed over my picture.... n a kinda strange way though, thats kinda flattering, if you know what i mean lmao

PunK Is DeAd

Post 19

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I did e-mail her a while back... but a-las... she never replied and right now my Serj e-mail address is bug**red so I can't be a**ed to write any e-mails...

I don't even know if she's changed her e-mail address...

But I won't say it here... just incase of ye olde pranksters...

Dude, I never did... Iwas gonna get my dog to mate with my neighbours dog and then get him to "jizz" on it, lmao...

I didn't want to go near dog jizz so I decided not to... can't even remember where the picture is now...

I could of got Sam to wipe Kates s**ty arse on it too, lmao...

oh and the make up thing's no big deal to me, I'm not against any of that... it's your choice...

Have you seen owt of Gemma lately??... she thinks me and you are "bum-chums" again for some reason, lmao...

I've not spoken to her for a few days...

Serjsmiley - devil

PunK Is DeAd

Post 20

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

The hell with it man, I'm off to bed, I'll continue with this tomorrow okay...

Catch ya later man...

Serjsmiley - devil

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