This is the Message Centre for Meen Bonkers

Power, killing animals, pathetic human beings

Post 1


at least you are not writing crap about the smell of venison cooking in your kitchen making the neighbours jealous, The first time I look at a conversation its some pathetic librarian discussing how great it is to kill a beautiful animal to impress her neighbours.

this was my reply to her blog.

"She floats along life; sad and lonely knowing that death is coming soon.

People close to her say she is talking crap; but she still feels like she is floating in cold water getting closer and closer to the envitable.

All the while she has to read complete garbage blogs about cooking venison stew with a smell to make the neighbours jealous.

I guess her despair arises partly from sharing a planet with the pathetic excuse for human beings that currently exist. Does this person give a damn about the lovely animal being destroyed in her kitchen; obviously not.

I would advise her to chop off her hand and make a stew with this; then see if the neighbours like the smell? At least that would reduce her ability to type utter selfish useless rubbish.

Marvin would be proud of me."

Her reply is completely typical of an uptight, power hungry person
"stay out of my conversation"
if she doesn't want people to read her pathetic conversation why post it. where does the MY come from, does she own the words, does she own the website. I am so sick of these type of people I will not reply. MARVIN WOULD UNDERSTAND.

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Power, killing animals, pathetic human beings

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