This is the Message Centre for snoop froggy frog

hi there!

Post 21

snoop froggy frog

ill be careful what i say then you stud muffin!!

hi there!

Post 22

snoop froggy frog

And another thing hows things smelling over there.smiley - sadface

hi there!

Post 23


Okay for now... until about 2.30pmsmiley - winkeye

hi there!

Post 24

snoop froggy frog

make the teasmiley - tea

hi there!

Post 25

snoop froggy frog

umm tea so nice you know you want to make one. if i tell you a really funny joke that i just made up??? would you make one

hi there!

Post 26



I'm on break in a mo... you can make one for when I get back if you like!!smiley - winkeye

hi there!

Post 27

snoop froggy frog

Ok it should be in front of you now master. smiley - tea see

Kiss itsmiley - kiss

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