This is the Message Centre for Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny


Post 1


hiya emma nice to meet u i live in essex and im 28 single so did u meet ur bf on here i was going out with a girl from here but we recently split so do u work i bet plymouth is gr8 in the summer i used 2 holiday in devon every yr in seaton / honiton . axminster all nice places never been to plymouth tho nyway hun i hope 2 spk soon xxxxxxxkev


Post 2

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Hello kev thanx for ur message! hope ur ok. what u been up 2 lately?
I didnt meet my boyfriend on here but he did introduce me to this site he comes on whilst hes at work so we chat on here.

What sorta stuff u into then?
I aint spoke to u b4 so maybe catch up next time u come on.

smiley - smiley

Bye bye

Emz x

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