This is the Message Centre for Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

After everything i've done for you!

Post 1


Hi emma just a small note to tell you i feel.

Well to anyone else reading this its not a message of love its pure hate. After rverything i've done, been through and this girl with all ever dose is make my life smiley - bleep. I've mopped blood off her floors after her dad's beaten the $hit outta her mum night befor (this includes on my birthday and many other times). Just recently i helped you through the capture and imprisonment of said women beatting scum, i've been your shoulder to cry on, some one to turn to no matter what. So then when i want time alone now that things have calmed down and partly because my dads in hospital with menigitis its turns into a shouting match dragging people others in just because you cant have what you want for a change i get a punch in mouth off my own brother, not because of what i've done but becasue of what they dont know. so i just wanted to thanx thanx very much for everything. You haven't deserved any help i have given and look how i get repayed.

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After everything i've done for you!

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