This is the Message Centre for Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny


Post 1


Hi Em, im smiley - sorry to hear
if i can do anything you know where to find me


Post 2

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Hello paul thanx for ur message.

Yeah we broke up, i dumped him last night. I still smiley - love him but i just have to get over it. I know that we are never going to get back together, an it hurts. I beleive u only ever fall in love once, and thats it i have done it!
I hope that BLJ can be good enuff to still b mates with me, i would rather he didnt turn his back on what we had.
Thank you for ur concern.


Post 3

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Hello paul thanx for ur message.

Yeah we broke up, i dumped him last night. I still smiley - love him but i just have to get over it. I know that we are never going to get back together, an it hurts. I beleive u only ever fall in love once, and thats it i have done it!
I hope that BLJ can be good enuff to still b mates with me, i would rather he didnt turn his back on what we had.
Thank you for ur concern.


Post 4


smiley - cheerup
i no how you feel, i think i have also been there myself, hope you dont mind me asking, but why did it end?
If you love him why finish it?
smiley - rose


Post 5

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

I think we both saw it coming and yeah i love him to bits, it just wasnt working out, He wants to be free and have no worries, except his self.

I just have to be strong and if he would like to be mates that would be a great deal of help to me over the next couple of weeks.

We all have our first love and yeah it kills, but at least a good thing could come out of it and we could be mates. Only time will tell!


Post 6


well if there is anything i can do, just say the words, im always hear
smiley - cuddle

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