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Post 1


I really should get out and get to work; but I find this space a bit intriguing and amusing. Considering the title and such it does seem a bit stuffy, but I'll hang in here some. Others may find some amusement or more from my words. Like, since I mentioned I'm a naturist/nudist: seems some others just can't help themselves and just get all silly & childish in their comments about human nudity-which does not equate to sex. My dear sweetheart & I (me more often) go naked at home allot & go to a neighborhood nude beach, plus go hiking in the buff often. This is quite pleasureable but not salacious, outdoor romance is fun but doesn't occur often at all (shucks), we rarely see others and when we do we put on a wrap, unless coming across other naturist types. Never desire to offend anyone by accident; but it would be great if this were not a concern. At beaches I've seen all body types-most people look better naked-like the cute animals they are- tho' my preference is for the males. It is just nice a fun going nude often, a blessing, to enjoy a simple thing as strolling through our back gardens is even more enjoyable au naturele. The breezes, the sun, the showers. I truly feel blessed. I'll have to write more sometime about life in Hawai'i; but for now to close: naked in Hawai'i is like a dream come true. Cheers, Ciao, ALOHA

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