This is the Message Centre for Phoenix

Film Boards Down Another Poster

Post 1


The Green Arrow has left the boards as of today smiley - sadface

Faster than rats leaving a sinking ship down there smiley - winkeye Errrmm...Rats of course is Latin for extremely cool people smiley - smiley So whose going to be our Bernad Hill and go down with the boards ( Should it go down faster than Rivaldo )

Film Boards Down Another Poster

Post 2


hopefully it should pick up with all the films that we have coming out. Just watched the new X2 trailer you were on about before, great stuff, especially the sequence where Mystique breaks free of the shackles and Pyro and his fire and....

Finally gonna be able to read Dark Knight Returns soon, ordered it today off the net, should be in my hands within two weeks, very exciting stuff smiley - biggrin

Film Boards Down Another Poster

Post 3


Dark Knight Returns has to be my favourite I've ever read, you should enjoy it smiley - smiley Some reason I was thinking about it and though Nick Nolte would make a good Comissioner Gordon

Off to see DD again today...hopefully I'll get the X-men 2 trailer treatment. But as i'm going with friends i'm going to have prepare a whole loada defense for Daredevil, I fear thier going to give it a damn good flaming smiley - steam

Film Boards Down Another Poster

Post 4


*thought Nick Nolte would make a good Comissioner Gordon

Much better

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