This is the Message Centre for ford puma

Hi from your ACE

Post 1


Hi, I'm Skenvoy one of the sites ACE's. I just dropped by... heard something about smiley - tea being offered smiley - winkeye

I have made a page of useful links which can be found here; A870707. On this page I have included links to all of the vital pages here on H2G2. If you ahve any questions or if you just want to chat then just click the reply button at the bottom of this message. I hope you enjoy being a member of this great site smiley - ok


Hi Ace!

Post 2

ford puma

hi there Skenvoy,

thanks for the welcome and the page of links. I haven't had time to look at all of them yet - but I'm getting there!

I am very excited about the whole h2g2 project. I only wish I had found it sooner. If only I had had a better search engine years ago!

thanks again,


Hi Ace!

Post 3


smiley - ok


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