This is the Message Centre for Wilma Neanderthal

A query, if you find time ...

Post 81

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh my, ... so bad that your name now dis-associates yourself from your ancestral roots? smiley - spacesmiley - space

A query, if you find time ...

Post 82

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It's been a time ... How's stuff and stuff in general with you and the tribe?

A query, if you find time ...

Post 83

Wilma Neanderthal

Good evening, Nick.

In a word?


Both kids have birthdays this week so I (in my infinite wisdom) decided we would chuck a housewarming party.

Yep, my room at the local psych ward is booked for Monday smiley - weird

smiley - rofl

How are you all doing?

A query, if you find time ...

Post 84

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I've seen your admissions of guilt/insanity in the Atelier. (Most days, all I can manage is a calling card)

I'm sure that you will be forgiven your lapses, sooner or later. We could try the excuses of you being a woman, hormonal, prone to mood swings ...

And if "we" then live through the batterings, beatings and follow-up surgeries ... smiley - laugh

Ya love the trogs, and do stuff that most sane people wouldn't. Been there and done that, Lady. Luckily, mine is now adult and has to deal with such stuff. AND deal with the spoiling, ridiculously loud and annoying things that Poppy and Nana send ... smiley - evilgrin

On the whole, stuff here is fair to good. About a month ago, we paid for our plane fares, insurance, etc for our trip to the UK in September. And for several months, I have been half of a travel team for needed radio stuff. I've been to Rochester, New York, ... Edmonton, Alberta, ... and Truro, Nova Scotia. In the next month and a half, there may or may not be travels to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories and/or Eureka, Nunavut. And then, as the year progresses, we might get serious about stuff with another 6 or 8 travels.

And of course, the biggest news was the arrival of grand-child #4, on February 7th. The day after grandson Nick's 5th birthday. 'Kenzie is, without any bias, the cutest girlie ever ... smiley - whistle ... My Fotki page (tagged from my PS) has a pic or several of the various levels of the clan.

Just humming along ...

Post 85

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hey, Missus, ... how's stuff?

Just humming along ...

Post 86

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - laugh Stuff... is just that - stuff. How are you keeping? I hear we are due to receive some of your cold white stuff by Monday-ish smiley - snowball

Just humming along ...

Post 87

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

We have 4 to 6 inches of the white stuff trying to find us now. With squalling winds. But I am doing my best to waft them all over YOUR way. smiley - evilgrin

I tend to track the h2g2 Meet threads as they mature. Not because I will be able to attend, but to see if any friends might. And that I can later look for incriminating, ... ... newer pics of them. It seems that you will be a part of the ensemble? Whooo and hooo for you. smiley - biggrin

Our own visit to the UK (September) will not be in-season for any formal Meet, but I will be meeting up with atleast 5 hootoo friends, perhaps a few others if they can find themselves near where we shall be. At given times ...

Just humming along ...

Post 88

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - puffsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - puffsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - puff

Jeepers, but quite a load of smiley - spider-webs and dust can grow ... In a bit over half a year. But having recently seen some pics from a 'Meet', it reminded me that I hadn't stopped by for a while. smiley - doh

So, ... how's the stuff of life with the Neanderthal clan?

Just humming along ...

Post 89

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - tea have a seat, you look out of breath!

smiley - biggrin

We're fine, I am just super busy at the moment and have had to put just about all hootoo-related activities on hold (at least until I get this tax inspection out of the way smiley - erm) while I deal with 'Life'.


Just humming along ...

Post 90

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

You meet the tax-man at this time of the year? Poor you ... I have atleast another few months before dealing with that again.

Life here goes on pretty much as usual. The missus changed work in August, and is really enjoying the new place. My employment is much the same as it's been for 30 years. Mind, it seems that I will again be doing some travelling about the country for work. A couple of weeks in Nova Scotia are on the books for before Christmas.

Mentioning travels, in case you didn't see it in your wanders, ... I posted a journal a while ago, briefly covering our travels to the UK for our anniversary. You're welcome to read it, perhaps even follow the link from my PS to a Fotki page, where some of our pics of the time are.

Just humming along ...

Post 91

Wilma Neanderthal

Nah. I do the sales tax returns every quarter so the end of year full accounts return is a doddle. This is an audit from the taxman smiley - bigeyes just to make sure I am not smiley - thief I suppose.

I saw your journal. I think it is wonderful, all these friends. I wonder whether hootoo realises just how special it is? My kids have learned not to tell their teachers that Mum meets up with internet weirdos smiley - winkeye

I am glad your trip was so good smiley - ok

Just humming along ...

Post 92

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Would it seem overly rude if I said "better you than I" as relates to the tax audit? smiley - evilgrin I have never had a liking for fiscal numbers, and yet, consumed every bit of science and computer related maths I could find. Odd, eh?

It was a wonderful time, visiting the friends, and far too short of course. If more vacation time were available, and loads more money, ... There are standing invitations to atleast another half-dozen homes in England, 2 in Scotland, one in Northern Ireland, ... And then there are the folks in Israel, the US, Australia and New Zealand, and ... That's it. I've gotta win me a lottery!!! smiley - laugh

And my daughter still doesn't quite believe that we travelled that far, just to meet people that have been words on a screen, and voices on a phone. Poor child.

Just humming along ...

Post 93

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Before I slip out into the smiley - bleepsmiley - brr night for another Christmas 'do' ...

Wot's with the 'Dame' tag? I've seen a few of you Ladies wearing the moniker, and quite justly. (IMHO) Yet I wonder at the impetus ...

Greetings for the healthiest and happiest times for this season that needs no names or justifications. Beyond a chance and time for families to join and share what-ever ...

Just humming along ...

Post 94

Wilma Neanderthal

Merry Christmas to you, and yours, Nick smiley - holly

F43348?thread=4866931 Just a bit of lighthearted silliness that stuck smiley - biggrin

Be well, enjoy your 'do'.


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