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warm and fuzzy

Post 1


Hello Kaine smiley - smiley Thanks very much for reading the story. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was entirely fictional, just my imagination running wild......

It's a valid point about him launching into his life story. I do think old people tend to be able to talk about their lives fairly easily, but I'll try and address this.

I wanted to get across that he could somehow sense the need in her, and that's why he was telling her so much about himself. As I was writing it from her angle, I couldn't find an easy way to bring that into the story. I will be pondering on how I could do this but if you have any suggestions, please, I'd be happy to hear them. smiley - ok

Nice to meet you

Flame smiley - magic

warm and fuzzy

Post 2


Hi again. I think I've sorted it now smiley - smiley

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