This is the Message Centre for Kaine_2k
Hi Kaine_2k....
manda1111 Started conversation Feb 15, 2003
Hi Kaine_2k
Welcome to H2G2, my name is manda (well its not really but that's another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am your "<./>ACE</.>", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around
A very popular place is the <./>ASKH2G2</.> , ( Don't forget to click on the "SEE MORE CONVERSATIONS" link at the bottom of that page ) that is were you can ASK what ever you want and maybe answer some of the questions that are there, or just join in with the conversations as they often go off topic
or you might like to look at the <./>FRONTPAGE</.> (there are a lot of links on the right of that page )
Or the PeerReview
If you click HERE >> U193090 it will take you to my page, were you will find that I have put some links to other places that I thought you might find interesting, including the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> page that is all ways a good place to start
If you have any questions or just what to talk then don't hesitate to leave me a message on my page or click on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page
Have some and a cup of
to keep you going.
Speak to you later
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Hi Kaine_2k....
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