This is the Message Centre for ~:*-Venus-*:~

just a chat

Post 1


Hello Venus warm greetings to you.smiley - biggrinI enjoy the big outdoors and wildlife.smiley - smileyI have recently been visited by a rather freindly hedgehog,who has taken up residence in an old wooden box that been left in the gardensmiley - biggrin. I serve supper to him/her each evening around 9.30pm,much to the enjoyment of myselfsmiley - cool.He/she then wanders off to explore the area and do whatever hedgehogs do at night.In the morning a tell tale sign outside the box lets me know that Mr or Mrs Tiggywinkle is back in residence.Watch this space for further news.smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye twinkling Di.

just a chat

Post 2


Hello twinkling Di smiley - smiley
Thankyou for dropping by, i'm always happy to chat to folks about wildlife or plants....mainly 'cos i don't really know about anything else smiley - laugh
What a lovely visitor to have to your garden, i'm a big fan of hedgehogs. Has he/she been coming to visit long?
Sadly i don't get hedgehogs in my garden, the only ones i see are road casualty's smiley - sadface I do get other wildlife in the garden, some welcome, some very destructive smiley - cross The fox that comes in regularly is no problem, he mainly uses my garden as a means to get to other places. Though i do wish he would'nt scent mark everywhere smiley - yuk The badgers are not so welcome. They have broken through the chain-link fence more time than i can remember now. The dig huge holes in the garden and once ripped up a shrub!smiley - yikes I block any holes that i find, but it's pointless really. The resident squirrel is fun to watch, especially in the Autumn when he/she is gathering food for winter. I've found Walnuts burried in the flower beds and this year a hazelnut seedling, which is now growing in a more suitable place. smiley - smiley
I hope you will find time to drop in again for more tales of your prickly friend. smiley - biggrin

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