This is the Message Centre for stuart

Have Been Sent To Find You

Post 1

Kat - From H2G2

Heya, your best beloved sent me over here to talk to you because she was telling me about your sailing and how you sailed between here and europe and wow I'd kill something really small to have something like that!

Sorry possibly not the best introductory message I've ever sent but there we go.


Have Been Sent To Find You

Post 2


hi nice to meet you. whot do you wont to no about saling

Have Been Sent To Find You

Post 3

Kat - From H2G2

Erm...nothing actually smiley - blush We recently sold our Leader because we now live in Birmingham but I'm stubbornly hanging on to my Topper. Actually, it would be a good idea to sell it wouldn't it? How can I decide how to price it?

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