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Hey, the port nacelle's got a cork in it... damn kids...

Post 1

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

Greetings. Or hello... or the nearest equivalent in Klingon... basically, in whatever language you speak- Hello. I'm a trekkie. Okay, that's been said. I've been chatting to Reefgirl. Errrsmiley - erm Hello. How's you? I haven't talked to many Trekkies before... any advice? Live long and Prosper.

Hey, the port nacelle's got a cork in it... damn kids...

Post 2


hi nice to meet a nother star trek fan. I like voyager the next gen and DS9. and x fials and babalon 5 speak to you soon smiley - smiley

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