This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

I know I should leave it alone I really do.

Post 1


But it's like picking a scab.

smiley - smiley

I know I should leave it alone I really do.

Post 2


Chortle.... as you can see, I am chuckling to myself lobbing in the odd contribution too.

Im glad to see that lunatic Meringue thread's calmed down. I WAS going to post a reply, but ran into the board closure hitting the send button at 1.04, my time. But the time was only due to washing up after dinner!

But I'm glad you and Elisa are on the way to making up!!

I'm torn actually. As someone who's been accused of using the board to promote my B&B, I am somewhat sensitive to the way in which she does rather plug her blog. I thought she did give credits, so that was unfair criticism from Odette, if it was she who said that.

It's true her posts are a bit one themed, but as you (I think) said, that's certainly no worse than many of the others who come just to ask one question and leave without thanks and arguably a lot better.


I know I should leave it alone I really do.

Post 3


No that was Schoof. She's right though smiley - smiley

The only reason I got involved is that I felt she was being unfairly targetted as if she contributes nothing at all to the board other than asking for help. Which simply isn't true.

I wasn't aware you were accused of promoting your B&B on the board? I always thought that given the fact you ran one you seemed careful not to promote it beyond the odd comment about things being cooked for guests. which I admire you for (I'm not sure I could be so circumspect in your position).

I know I should leave it alone I really do.

Post 4


And yes I saw the Meringue thread after the board closed last night.

I went to reply, but couldn't and thought better of it today.

And yes they are complete loonys. It reminded me of my nephews who will only listen to the bit that interest them. "I will take you to XXX if you clean your toys up" is heard as "I will take you to XXX". Which is normal if you are 6 or under. I doubt they had the same excuse. smiley - smiley

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