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The beautiful Heffalump

Post 1


Why has she been put into pre-mod? smiley - wah

Anyone know?

The beautiful Heffalump

Post 2


I have had two posts removed because I apparently made some some of political comments that are banned under strict house rules leading up the the election. I received an email explaining why each of this posts had been removed but had received NO communication as to why I'm in moderation.

But in addition to this, last week I did have several posts reported that to most other people seemed perfectly harmless. I have a theory that someone could have had it in for me and like PurpleLuv hinted at, the bbc machine has kicked in on autopilot and booted me out!!!

I have to admit I'm gettin very frustrated by it all!!! smiley - erm

The beautiful Heffalump

Post 3


Aha... the political stuff is something the Beeb get's EXTREMELY twitchy about at election time. Still it shouldn't be too hard to keep off politics on a food board!

But in addition to this, last week I did have several posts reported that to most other people seemed perfectly harmless. I have a theory that someone could have had it in for me and like PurpleLuv hinted at, the bbc machine has kicked in on autopilot and booted me out!!!

I don't _think_ that there's an "autopilot", there was a time when I was having a STRING of my posts complained of - and the complaints were upheld too (though subsequently after a some discussion with the hosts, I was invited to repost them). All that to say that I was never put back into pre-mod. I don't think that a complained of post counts against you, if the complaint isn't upheld. Sometimes it can take a while for a decision to be made, though. Normally (9/10) the mods decide, sometimes if they feel it's borderline they refer it to the hosts and then at a weekend for example, it can take 4/5 days for a decision to be made. I've known one of Rosie's posts stay in "awaiting decision" limbo for a fortnight.

I think it's unwise to assume a regular has it in for you. It can heppen of course, but it's pretty rare. If I were you, I'd write nicely to the hosts on the link I gave you, asking if they know why you're back in pre-mod. In the mean time, have some smiley - cake and asmiley - hug, and carry on posting as positively as you can. I'm sure you'll soon be back.

All the best

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