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Recipe for MIQUE

Post 1

Mrs Poddy

Hi Ian,

Do you by any chance have a recipe for MIQUE ?????

Hope you and yours are keeping warm.

Best Regards
smiley - smiley

Recipe for MIQUE

Post 2


Sure, though I have to admit I've never tried it.
smiley - winkeye
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Mique (Yeast Dumplings)

breads, french, main dish, soups

600 gm wheat flour
4 eggs
200 gm milk
15 gm baker's yeast
120 gm butter
1 pinch salt
1200 gm petit sal‚ (salted sparerib)
600 gm andouille (boiling sausage)
150 gm carrots
150 gm onions
2 garlic cloves
1 bouquet garni*

NB * Parsley, Bay & Thyme as usual

Put the milk, eggs salt and yeast in a bowl and mix well. Add the flour and knead the dough for a considerable time (15 minutes) so that it becomes elastic. Work the butter to a cream and add it to the dough, working it in until it becomes incorporated. Shape the mique, either into a signle large ball, or into six smaller ones, and then let them rise in a warm place, 2 1/2 hours for a single ball, 1 1/2 hours for smaller ones. Mique cooks in a soup made from salt pork, boiling sausage, carrots, and onions etc. Individual ones take about 20 minutes while a large one takes about an hour. To check whether the mique is cooked, pierce it with a trussing needle - it should come out dry.

To cook the bouillon

Blanch the salt pork briefly, by putting it in cold water, heating to a boil and draining- discarding the water. Moisten again with cold water, bring to the boil, skim and add carrots, onion, garlic and herbs. Cook 2 hours. 20 minutes before the end of the cooking time, add the andouille (salted boiling sausage) and the individual miques (if using a single large one, put it in an hour before the end of the cooking). Serve the mique(s) surrounded by the salt pork, sliced sausage and the vegetables.

After Original Recipe Jean-Pierre Poulain "Le Limousin Gourmande"
Translated & MM IMH
Yield: 6 servings

** Exported from Now You're Cooking! v5.75 **

We're fine and warm - we've got central heating.

Must dash, Jacquie's just come up with lunch!!

Recipe for MIQUE

Post 3

Mrs Poddy

Thank you Ian.

I hope you enjoyed your lunch.

Ooooh Central Heating!


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