This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

veggie restaurant in Hammersmith

Post 1


Hi - the board seems to have closed on time today - I'd hoped it might stay open again (did you see Gaynor's thread on it?), but obviously not ...

you've certainly got a packed week before you depart! And some [more] stunning gastronomic experiences to come!

See you next time smiley - smiley

veggie restaurant in Hammersmith

Post 2


Hi Beatrice,

Yes, I noticed that. I've even got a reply I started before 6pm and finished after, so couldn't send smiley - doh. I'll have to wait till demain!

We are really looking forward to both our trips out, and WILL do our best to report on them. It might be a little awkward doing many photos during the meal at Ramsey's, not altogether compatible with the understated elegance of a 3 star michelin.


PS Happy New Year!

veggie restaurant in Hammersmith

Post 3


Hello again! Happy New Year!

I seem to have turned the corner and am feeling much better now smiley - smiley and ready to face 2007 and all that it may bring!

If we look up that restaurant before you and Jacquie get to London next time, we'll let you know what it was like.

ATB, Beatrice

veggie restaurant in Hammersmith

Post 4


Hi again Beatrice.

And happy New Year to you. I'm so glad you are feeling better. We're both fine. I hope you do manage the Agni. I really approve of a restaurant publishing its recipes.


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