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Very Happy New Year to Ian and Jackie!

Post 1


I hope Next Year will be very happy with lots of new flavours, lots of good heated, (but not reheated) debates, quality wines, drank as usual in moderation in company of old and new friends.
But no MGsmiley - biggrin
smiley - chocsmiley - cake from Olga

Very Happy New Year to Ian and Jackie!

Post 2


Hi Olga,

Thanks for you good wishes. We have had a very long drawn out Christmas this year. On Christmas day, it was just my brother, his wife and Jacquie and me, but nevertheless we had a roast goose and the usual trimmings, as well as christmas pudding. We exchanged presents quietly between the four of us and had a lovely time.

Today, my brother's two daughters, their OHs and children came after spending christmas day with their respective OH's families. Low key kind of meals, basically cold meats (though not bad - game pie that one of my nieces brought, French onion soup, cold ham and so on. We opened the next batch of presents and watched TV!!

Tomorrow is the day of our "official Christmas celebrations" when my step brother and his family come, we have 10 adults and 4 children round the table for Turkey and all the trimmings, and the last present exchange! Phew.... my poor sister in law - she really has had a stint of cooking! All surrounded by littlies all over the kitchen floor.

Anyway, hope your christmas celebrations were fun.


Very Happy New Year to Ian and Jacquie

Post 3


Hi, Ian,
Sorry for not replying earlier.
I had to finish some work and a week ago caught a cold, so being in touch with my virtual friends was suspended for a while.
One more day-- and we will start 2007.
In Russia New Year - Noviy God ( God- means year)- it is the biggest feast/celebration in the whole year.
Similar to what we have here in England.
Russian Christmas is on the 7of Jan, while another chance to celebrate New year is on the 14 of Jan.
Now the festivities start on the 24 of Dec, and last until the 14 of Jan.
I had good Christmas too, simple good food , traditional-- turkey (children wanted it). I think, I would prefer goose too, given the choice.
Anyhow, I hope there will be enough Christmases in my life and one day it will be Goose for Christmas.
Very best wishes to you and Jaquie.
smiley - chocfrom Olga

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