This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 1


not sure how to use this feature - I guess it'll all become clear!

Just to say that it would be great if we can set up another meet / mini-meet. Depending on when it is, I'll be working, but I'm sure we can all find a date/ time ...

Ian, are you also reading your home mail on web mail? I could mail you then and you'd have my email contact.


Bea smiley - smiley

aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 2


hi bea,

yes indeed! Well done.

I can receive messages into my email client, but have to reply by web mail.

If you try ianhoare at the largest french isp (which is by the way) I'll be able to read you and reply as soon as I read it.


What part of London suits you best? And what kind of cuisine?


aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 3


Hi Ian

Living in Chiswick, I can do most places west - or central, which would combine well with a certain department store! I may well not have a car, since I'm still trying to sort all that out, so somewhere on public transport would be best. Apart from not being able to eat Chinese, my only other consideration is budget! I don't know how much you all ended up paying at Silka, but from a quick glance at the menu (I didn't want to get too excited since I couldn't go!), the prices seemed pretty reasonable. Richard is flying to NY on Boxing Day, so he won't be able to join us smiley - sadface

I'll give your other address a whirl and see where I get with it!

Hope we manage to work a Meet/ mini-Meet out! I'll talk to Maggie as well as I know we're going to try to get together after Christmas.

Best wishes


aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 4


hi again Bea,

I look forward to reading it later. We're off out to Zaika in 12 mins, so I won't be replying until we get back.


aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 5


Hi Ian bea gave me this link would love to meet up after Xmas will get train to kings cross so anywhere is poss on the tube - food - I eat anything!! well within reason!

Maggie x

aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 6


Hi Maddie,

Why not!! That would be lovely. Bea can't eat chinese, as I think you might have seen. I've just heard from Bea again, and will be replying to her in a mo. Do you have her email? (Mine's findable above).


aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 7


Hi Ian and JacquieBea's email [Personal details removed by Moderator]will liaise with her and look forward to a meet up!!love maggie X

aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 8


Hi Maggie,

smiley - erm I had HERS, but was concerned that you might not have!! (I don't on the other hand have yours).

Bea, feel free to complain about the previous post, if you don't want your email public! smiley - winkeye


After consulting with SWMBO we have settled on two days as possibles in Bea's timescale. Friday 29th lunch or supper, and/or Monday 1st Jan lunch or suppper. We don't have a very high key 31st, so the 1st suits us rather well. With Bea's OH away, the same might be true for her too.


aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 9


Hi Ian

I had already spoken to bea and told her I had given her email address to you - she was fine

maggie x

aha, so this is where it's all at!

Post 10


Hi Ian

sorry obviously a misunderstanding. I thought you wanted her email which like I say she was happy to give, I did not mean to contravene her privacy, me and Bea are in constant touch and I was probably just not thinking sorry Bea!

maggie x

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