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Lunch at Silkas Borough Market 16/12

Post 1


Hi I'm just getting the ball rolling. Riocaz tells me that because we're rather a large party, and so that they don't keep us waiting too long, they'd like to know what starters we want.

They won't be doing the 2 course "lunch time special menu" at £7 a head (which is a shame as I'd rather got my eye on that) that day in view of the closeness to Xmas.

So if you'd like to go to have a look and let us know here what you want, that would be great.smiley - oksmiley - ok


Lunch at Silkas Borough Market 16/12

Post 2


Sorry Ian, I was doing the same thing and linked my thread rather than yours:

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Lunch at Silkas Borough Market 16/12

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