This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

Anything you like

Post 1


If anyone wants to talk about subjects with me that don't really concern the food board, then this is the place to do it! smiley - winkeye


Anything you like

Post 2


Just wondering when and where you would like to meet-up?

Restaurant/Pub/Wong Kei smiley - smiley

Any weekend except the 23rd is fine for me. If we arrange the time, I'll announce it on the food board as London Meet 2 and see who else is available.

Anything you like

Post 3


Come to think of it I'm also available most evenings if this was to be centralish (as I work in Docklands).

Anything you like

Post 4


Sorry about the delay!!

I was learning to use a new HTML editor!

The Wong Kei sounds a marvellous idea, as we usually try to get there at least once while in the UK. However, there's another place which you may not know, the Royal China in Queensway. They don't have trolleys, but their Dim Sums are mind boggling.

By the way, if anyone wants to join in... feel free. smiley - smiley We're planning to go to Borough Market on the 16th, fairly early. Though fairly early for us, coming in from Leatherhead, isn't at 8am! The Wong Kei would be marginally better from there, I guess.

Anyway, over to you.


Anything you like

Post 5


I was joking about the Wong Kei, as it garners strong opinions either way (though I'm a fan smiley - smiley

Borough Market sounds like a very good plan to me, particularly as you were going there anyway. I'll make my way there and meet up.

I will email you over my mobile number in case you need to get in contact on the day.

Anything you like

Post 6



Actually, I screwed up, I was thinking of the Chuen Cheng Ku - Duh!!

But if you wanted to come down to Borough, I dare say that you'd not be the only one. What we could do is to do our shopping first, and then meet up - either for a pie type lunch standing around (which given the crush there, might not be the brightest solution in the world) or else go to one of the local eating places.

I have to say that Jacquie sounded quite enthused by the Wong Kei, after reading the reviews! BUT, there's no doubt that the Borough area makes sense. I'll have a quick look in Hardens and see what salutes!

I thought so, Silka is actually IN the market and does good indian Ayurvedic food. Could that appeal, do you think?


Anything you like

Post 7


Wong Kei is an experience. But I'm not sure I would dare introduce any actual foodies there.

I'm happy with just almost anything foodwise. Meeting up in Borough Market seems like a good plan, and if we choose a local eatery/pub etc etc then we can warn people to meet there if they miss up in the bustle of the market itself.

I agree standing round and chatting in the middle of the market may be a bad idea smiley - smiley

Anything you like

Post 8


Hi again.

Well then, shall we make that a definite date at least? Borough market on the morning of Saturday 16th. I think it might be best if we don't necessarily try to tell everyone to meet too early on, even if we're there, so that we have time to potter and shop.

Have a look at the menu, and if you think it has play, then shall we take it from there? I think we may be at a point for you to suggest it to people as a low key kind of meet. Or I could, whichever you prefer. Do you think we need to book or try to?


Anything you like

Post 9


I meant to give you a link to the menu


Anything you like

Post 10


Yup, we have a definate date set then smiley - smiley

Do you think it should be posted to the food board as a mini-meet?

As for booking I would suggest that we book just in case. Given the date and proximity to Borough Market I would expect it gets quite busy on a Sat. smiley - biggrin

Anything you like

Post 11


I forgot to say that the menu for Silka looks delicious.

Anything you like

Post 12


Yup, we have a definite date set then .

The only possible damper on this is if my brother has fixed anything else for us on the Saturday afternoon. He knows I'm planning to go on the morning. I'd be astonished if he had, as he's normally utterly meticuous about asking first. BUT it wouldn't be honest if I don't mention this very faint possibility.

Do you think it should be posted to the food board as a mini-meet?

Yes, I do. I can imagine that quite a few people might find this an inducement to go, either to come to meet everyone, or to discover the market.

As for booking I would suggest that we book just in case. Given the date and proximity to Borough Market I would expect it gets quite busy on a Sat. Absolutely!!! Can I impose and ask you to make a first contact, please.
All the Best

Anything you like

Post 13


Hi Riocaz,

I see from their website that Silka can only be contacted between noon and 3pm and then again from 6pm to 11pm. I suggest that we leave it till 6pm for late deciders and then you contact Silka with final numbers. Do you have access to the web from home? If not, what's the latest time you need to have people decide before the weekend? If need be, I can always phone them from here. I presume the booking is made in your name.

This is going to be fun!!

Anything you like

Post 14


I would agree with 6pm. I'll give another count-up and call them then.

I do have 'net access from home, but won't be going home tonight.

Anything you like

Post 15


Right you are. Thanks!! I owe you a drink smiley - cheers for doing all this!
Iansmiley - ok

Anything you like

Post 16


No you don't. It was my idea afterall smiley - smiley

Anything you like

Post 17


And don't forget my order!

Mulligatawny Soup

Stir-Fried Baby Squid
Spicy Crab Cake

Either Lamb with Green Herbs
or Mixed Platter ( from Grilled&Kebabs menu)



And some Kulfi for dessert!

Have fun! Bon apetit!


smiley - wahsmiley - cakesmiley - wahsmiley - chocsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cheerssmiley - magic

Anything you like

Post 18


The scary thing was I was just adding that to my list thinking "Blimey, she's got a good appetite for a lunchtime meet..." before I realised you were in the US smiley - smiley

Anything you like

Post 19


LOL Riocaz! Sorry! I realized later that I'd probably screwed up your lists, so I was just about to post a message! It is for lunch, isn't it! Well if I really was joining you I might skip breakfast, work up an apetite and eat all that! Which I am perfectly capable of doing, you know! It looks like a pretty good restaurant - have you eaten there before? And if so, is it as good as it reads? smiley - smileysmiley - ok

Anything you like

Post 20


No I don't think any of us have eaten there before.

Looking forward to it now...

And off for an Indian (work dinner thing) tomorrow night too.

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