Journal Entries

Peter Snow's Election News

Peter Snow comes running onto the screen.

"Listen up! News just in!"

I listen, and a window appears to proclaim the following.

"Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy cancels all engagements as his heavily pregnant wife is taken to hospital - BBC told she is not in labour."

We all knew that - she's in Liberal Democrat, just like her husband smiley - tongueout

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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2005

h2g2 On The Move

The other day, I was (once again) in my mobile phone company's retail shop. Talking to the lady in there while we waited for the call centre to answer the phone (we'd got bored of the hold music, and they were taking aaaaaaages), she just mentioned as if in passing, "You know, WAP is free this month?"

And thus I discovered h2g2 On The Move! It's so cool! Instead of getting bored out of my mind when I'm on the train, I can read articles about peanut butter, or about small towns on the fringes of London, or about British trains, and it's like having a real Hitch-hiker's Guide! smiley - biggrin

Anyone else looking forward to the film? The trailers are out in force!

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2005

Eye of the Tiger


Ba, ba, ba.

Ba, ba, ba.

Ba, ba, baaaaaaa.

*waves arms around in a generally air-guitarry way*

Sorry about the rather pointless Journal entry, but Eye of the Tiger smiley - musicalnote just started playing and I felt like making a smiley - jester of myself smiley - biggrin


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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2005

Freedom of Information Act? Pah!

I sent an email to Ofcom in February. For those of you who don't know, Ofcom is the Office of Communications in the UK, which encompasses a fairly wide range of duties, including the monitoring of the Directory Enquiries service.

Anyway, my Economics coursework involved an examination of the various Directory Enquiries services available since the BT service was deregulated. I filled in an enquiry form on the Ofcom website, asking where I can find out about the relative market share of the various companies providing the service. This was on 18/2/2005, and I didn't get a reply, so I worked round the issue, finished my coursework and handed it in.

Got an email today. It was from Ofcom, with a letter attached. Here's an extract from the start of the letter.

"Freedom of Information: Right to know request
I am writing in response to your letter of 18/2/2005 requesting information regarding figures for the relative market shares of the various DQ providers.

Ofcom can neither confirm nor deny that it holds the information you requested as the duty in s.1 (1) (a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not apply, by virtue of s.44 of that Act. However, this should not be taken as conclusive evidence that the information you requested exists or does not exist."

So, basically, they're saying 'We might know the answer, but we're not going to tell you whether or not we know, and if we DO know, we're not going to tell you the answer.'

Thanks, guys. Incidentally, the letter's filename was REFUSAL_NOT_CONFIRM.

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2005

Personal Experiences No. 3 - Girls: a pondering on their existence

*ponders* Girls exist.

Glad we've got that one cleared up smiley - biggrin

Anyway, one of them has very kindly consented to be my girlfriend, which is a state of affairs somewhat new and entirely pleasing to me smiley - somersault

Unfortunately, although we were going to go out today, I haven't been able to get hold of her (and I mean that purely in a communicative sense, and not at all a physical one smiley - devil). But I'm sure I can wait until Monday to see her again smiley - smiley

Remember to maintain a healthy level of (in)sanity, everyone smiley - ok

Joe C

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Latest reply: Feb 26, 2005

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