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Hello to you overe there from me over here
Grandpa BIRIYANI Started conversation Jul 7, 2005
Hi Carol,how often do ya use hootoo these days ?....Its mainly after midnight Im online,I bet yer snoozin away by that time
spk soon yeah,,xxx
Hello to you overe there from me over here
CT Posted Jul 10, 2005
Hey up, long time no speak.
Dont come on hootoo that often but if i do it`s in afternoons and sometimes in evening. Yeh I am definatly snoozing away by midnight.
So hows things with you and the family?.
What you been upto?
Hows work?, dad mentioned that a bus driver he knew has passed away, something about a stroke? Sorry if you knew him.
hope all is ok and your enjoying the lovely weather.
take care
speak soon
Carol xx
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Hello to you overe there from me over here
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