This is the Message Centre for CT
Invitation to carolt2 !
London Spring-Summer meet 2011- A79731967 Started conversation Mar 3, 2005
as you've been on the lists before of previous meets, you might like to know that plans are being made for hte next, London summer meet
Details are at ::
Unofficial London Summer Meet 2005: A3739601
Atendee list: A3739719
Sign Up Thread: F2037787?thread=604315
As yet the date is not fixed, and a 'poll' for people to vote on prefered dates should be appearing at some point very* soon on the main meet page.
Invitation to carolt2 !
CT Posted May 16, 2005
Hi there, many thank for the invitation. As far as i`m aware i`ll be unable to attend this summer. Hopefully be there for the winter meet though.
If things change i`ll post on the attendee thread.
thanks again.
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Invitation to carolt2 !
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