This is the Message Centre for .dee

there you are

Post 1


i was looking through the names on one of my threads entitled `leisure district` and your name apeared on there so it got me wondering what happened to you? did we scare you off? did you lose the thread? either way on behalf of our little group i would like to invite you to come and join us and join in our little chats and smiley - teasmiley - coffee and smiley - cake...Marc

there you are

Post 2


Hi .Dee if you look on thread A1017028 you will see that my idea for a meeting place for ex-lders is due to open soon..And if you look on my Homepage conversation list you will see a thread called POINTER which if you read it will give you an incite as to how ye oLDe tea shoppe came to life..anyhow to the point when i asked Helen (serenity) to be the manager it was because she had been on the origional thread `leisuredistrict` the longest (posting number 2) then i asked Trish (littledarlin) and Jinty (Brora) to be assistant managers because i thought other than me and serenity they had been on there next longest but having looked again i noticed that posting number 3 was if anyone should be the assitant manageress it should be you..if you would like the position may i suggest that you contact Helen serenity and raise the point with her..smiley - sorry for the mix up..Marc

there you are

Post 3


i will get back to u about all of this tom. when i have more time smiley - rose

there you are

Post 4


no problem dee chat soon..Marc

there you are

Post 5


i must of lost the thread cos i dont know wot ur on about smiley - laugh oh yeh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY smiley - hug

there you are

Post 6


Not to worry all i was trying to say was that your name was on the origional thread and as such that means that if you wanted to become a member of staff in the tea shoppe the fact that your name was on the origional thread entitles you to first refusal on any vacancies..does that make things any clearer??..thanks for the birthday greeting i think i should be taking years of now not adding them on..smiley - love the smiley - coolsmiley - thief..Marc

there you are

Post 7


hi again what do i have to do if i become a member of staff? i try to forget my birthdays too smiley - laugh

there you are

Post 8


MMM..not sure what you would be required to do Trish would be the better person to chat to on that..she is in charge of of soon..the smiley - coolsmiley - thief

there you are

Post 9


oh right i know trish i'll have a chinwag with her then

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