This is the Message Centre for .dee

hiya dee

Post 1


haven't seen u for a while!
how r u? smiley - smiley

hiya dee

Post 2


if u have read my journel i think u can guess how i am nah im ok my smiley - headhurts though and i feel smiley - illsmiley - laugh more like sick to the stomache

hiya dee

Post 3


nope haven't had time yet hun , but i WILL get round to it!! smiley - hug

hiya dee

Post 4


its an interesting read i would be greatful for any advice ive also noticed that u know that dodgy kent bloke called mark aka joss me too unfortunatly smiley - laugh

hiya dee

Post 5


yeah i've known mark n wendy for ages,(from LD) smiley - smiley

aaawwww dee, just read it!!
i really think u both need to sit down n talk n get it sorted!!
if u ain't got trust in a relationship
hun u've got nothing!!
make sure u KNOW exactly where u stand!!
it'll b really hard to hear if it goe but better know now than l8r!! trust me i've been there!!

probably not wot u wanted to hear hun, but i really am trying to b helpful
smiley - smileysmiley - hug

hiya dee

Post 6


i know what your saying is right but my heart is ruling my head at the mo dont feel strong enuff to tackle it have a few health problems my periods are all over the place the last one was practically non existant so if it happens again need to do a pregnancy test i think just to be sure it could be just worrying that causing that though but thanks for listening smiley - smiley

hiya dee

Post 7


aawww smiley - hug i think it's more likely to b stress related dee but a test can't do ne harm can it?
i know wot u mean about not having/wanting the strength to face the situation hun,but u WILL don't worry. u just can't go on not knowing,
or u really WILL end up ill. it's the dread of finding an answer u don't wanna find isn't it?
well i'm thinking of u hun n if u ever wanna chat i'm here smiley - smileysmiley - ok

BTW, marc wants to know if he's THAT dodgey!! smiley - laugh r u gonna tell him or am i? smiley - whistle

Trish smiley - cuddle

hiya dee

Post 8


well its another couple of weeks before im due so will wait till then i think mark knows he's dodgy smiley - laugh

hiya dee

Post 9


>ok> hun let me know won't u? smiley - smiley

n yeah nut i'm not sure he knows just how much! lmaopmp

Trish smiley - hug

hiya dee

Post 10


crikey who needs soaps with the exciting life i have the cliffhanger is is she pregnant and will she return to yorkshire again wonder if emmerdale are employing smiley - laugh well at least i can still joke aint totally lost the plot yet smiley - laugh

hiya dee

Post 11


jeez! looks like i have!! look at the mess of the last msg!! lmaopmp

i h8 that bloody keylock! gets me everytime!! smiley - sadfacesmiley - laugh

yeah, that's the best way to deal with it hun, humour!!

(well in public neway) smiley - hug

u can have me email addy u know if u wanna let it all out sometime!!

smiley - cuddle

hiya dee

Post 12


my email addy is [email protected] best go put the tea on think i should slip some aresnic in lol nah knowing my luck id end up eating it pmp

hiya dee

Post 13


lmaopmp yeah, that wud b just my luck too! smiley - smiley

thanx hun i got it, i'll send u a tester smiley - ok?

c ya l8r smiley - smiley

Trish smiley - peacedove

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