This is the Message Centre for .dee


Post 1

Essexman34.ex LEISURE DISTRICT user & Nicholas cage look a like

hello de, i have sent u a photo of me, and i hope u dont fill sick after u have seen it LOL..
i took it at 5am, so i am still half asleep.
can u send a photo of u, 2 me??
i will b on later.
smiley - tasmiley - ta 4 now
smiley - lovesmiley - rose


Post 2


i got your photo wasnt sick smiley - laugh mind u it was at 6 this morning when i saw it so was half asleep i cant send a photo of me only on tv dont have access to a pc but my sis does so when i visit her next (god `knows when maybe later in the year) i'll see if she has figured ither pc out she hasnt had it long so its all new to her i have a b/f who i live with we met through ld 2 years ago hope you still wanna chat smiley - hug


Post 3

Essexman34.ex LEISURE DISTRICT user & Nicholas cage look a like

hello, so what do u think of me then?? ok, ok, u dont have 2 say lol..
i meet my g\f on ld, but saying that, i have had 4 g\fs from ld smiley - biggrin
i am on telewest, but i have 1 of the new mobiles, that i can take a photo, and send it 2 ne E-mail.
i am getting a pc in a few weeks.
so how was ur day??
mine was ok, but still tired lol
smiley - rose


Post 4


oooo a fancy phone eh alright for some smiley - laugh im only a sewing machinist so dont earn fancy wages and have to work for them too smiley - huh do u wrk? wots ur name by the way? xx


Post 5

Essexman34.ex LEISURE DISTRICT user & Nicholas cage look a like

yes the phone i have is the 1 on tv, with dave beckem?
it was cheap, only £300.
yes i do work, i work as a mobile cleaner, me and my mate work 4 FORDS, and clean all the sport clubs, and ne thing we get told.
the pay is good, but i start at 4am sum days.


Post 6


£300 for a phone is cheap erm nah its not smiley - laugh so does ur g/f know u come on here? is she a essex girl then red shoes no knickers or is it white shoes cant remember smiley - headhurts


Post 7

Essexman34.ex LEISURE DISTRICT user & Nicholas cage look a like

hello, yes she knows that i come on here and chat 2 u, and she dont mind.
yes she is in essex, she only lives about 3 miles from me, and my ex,s r not far from me, so i do have fun smiley - biggrin
chat later


Post 8


hiya nick erm soz wots ur name hows u?smiley - hug

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