This is the Message Centre for .dee

Thanks .dee

Post 1

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Hello .dee,
I have just read your posting about the article I wrote called Chat Rooms, and I'd like to thank you for your kind words.
I like a lot of others have cursed LD many times when the system was not working well, but I will always be grateful to it, and I'll never forget it.
I'm sure there are lots of people like you and I who have found someome who is really special, not only in LD, but in other sites as well.

Thank you again for your words.


Thanks .dee

Post 2


yeh there has been quite a few i know of through ld even a couple in london who are now married and expecting their first baby in march i too may be getting married next year just finding it hard to set a date cos my family is from yorkshire and his family are in luton and newcastle so we have to find a suitable date for them plus its got to be out of footy season for my fella smiley - laugh if u ever want a chat drop me a line and i'll get back to you as soon as i can smiley - cheers

Thanks .dee

Post 3

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Hello again Dee, I guess the footy must come first, I feel the same way about ice hockey! smiley - smiley
I hope the day you do choose will turn out a memorable one, and that the sun shines on you both.


Thanks .dee

Post 4

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Hi Dee,
I saw your posting in Luna's Chat Room asking for tips.
Here is some links you might like on your page.
This one gives you Search h2g2 when you are in digibox friendly.
<LINK H2G2="/search"<Search h2g2

One for h2g2 info, sometimes it is interesting.
h2g2 Info

At the bottom of your edit screen,
between and

This will list who has you as a friend at the bottom of your page.
I hope that is of some use to you.


Thanks .dee

Post 5

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Here's another link you might like Dee.
It shows your friends list without scrolling to the bottom of your page.

Friends List


Thanks .dee

Post 6

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Oops! I screwed up with your number on that last link. It should be 217922

smiley - sorry Dave.

Thanks .dee

Post 7


thanks dave i'll give them a go may take a while though lol

Thanks .dee

Post 8

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

You're welcome Dee, I'm glad to help.


Thanks .dee

Post 9


nah didnt work got guild error or somert like that do you have to put before every link and i dont understand a bit thick smiley - laugh

Thanks .dee

Post 10

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

All you need is after each link, and that starts the following one on a new line.


Thanks .dee

Post 11


smiley - flusteredsorry to be a pain but i dont understand dont you realise how long its took me to do whats on my page now as it is smiley - wah
can you give me a example on how to write it out smiley - headhurts

Thanks .dee

Post 12

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Aw Dee, your not a pain.
Just write them exactly as I did it on the previous postings, apart from the mistake with your number.
Just do one at a time.
The first one:-
Search h2g2

The puts the next link on another line.


Thanks .dee

Post 13


cant do it and its making me mad so giving in for now cos got to pick b/f up from work and then go shopping so will probably get road rage then trolley rage will probably be back to pester you some time next week after ive supped 2 bottles of bacardis and smoked a 100 cigs smiley - laughsmiley - wah thanks for your help anyway smiley - rose

Thanks .dee

Post 14

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Don't give up Dee, your doing the right thing. have a break then a fresh assault!

I'll write them out again later for you all on the same posting.


Thanks .dee

Post 15

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Perhaps this will be a bit clearer Dee.

Search h2g2
h2g2 Info
Friends List

At the bottom of the edit page.

That will list who has you as a friend at the bottom of your personal space.


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