This is the Message Centre for .dee

Hi There...

Post 1


Hi there and welcome to H2G2. smiley - biggrin

I am Flanker and I'm an Assistant Community Editor <./>ACE</.> which is a sort of official greeter.

Part of our job is to be there if any help is needed by a new researcher and make sure that they can find their way about the site.

To do this I thought you might like a quick list of places and things that are available to help you.

Firstly find out more about some of the jargon used on h2g2 try A632431 then if you want to jazz up your own user page then go to 'Spicing up your User Page' (A690518).

Another thing which will help you along the road is our newspaper <./>ThePost</.> which contains lots of news, articles and links to all the groups and meetings places.

Feisor, another <./>ACE</.>has created a page of hints and links for new researchers at A719840. which along with the <./>DontPanic</.> Help Centre (which can be reached via the 'Help!' button on the toolbar at the top.) are really good pages to start with.

One last thing is smiley - smiley (smileys). The full list is at <./>smileys</.> and you can find out more about them there.

I, personnally, tend to hang about <./>Askh2g2</.>, which is usually fairly busy. So I'll maybe catch you there.

If you have any questions, need any help or want a bit of encouragement simply reply to this message and I'll be there as soon as I can smiley - smiley.



smiley - cheers

Hi There...

Post 2


hi thanks for the info, one thing how do i get a proper nikname and not a reference number.

Hi There...

Post 3


Hi .dee,

As you may already have found out to get a nickname instead of a number you simply click on perferenecs and then type the nickname you have chosen in the space provided.

smiley - ok

smiley - surfer

Hi There...

Post 4


hi i know a few people on here but not sure how to get in touch with them have u any ideas?

Hi There...

Post 5



If you know their nickname or reseacher no, simply click on the search button then select friends, type their nickname in the field provided and click on go.

Try that and see.

smiley - surfer

Hi There...

Post 6


hi its me again pesty cat i tried to find my friend but still cant also how do i put pictures on my personal space to jazz it up a bit explain it simple to me cos im thick smiley - cheers

Hi There...

Post 7


Hi there..

First of all a) Do you know your friend's nickname.

and b) try asking one of the <./>GURUS</.> about puting pictures on your space and writing in Guide HTML in general. smiley - smiley

smiley - surfer

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