This is the Message Centre for Stealth's Cheesecake

Hello and Welcome to h2g2, you have just been ACE'd

Post 1

Ðåriå¤ÇF¤RM ACE (Tatrix of Ko-ro-ba, and the Diva with the Fever)

Welcome to h2g2. smiley - biggrin Hi! My name is Daria, and I'm an ACE. (Assistant Community Editor) Here to welcome you to this wonderful smiley - earth of ours. smiley - smiley Hi Steath Kam, smiley - smiley and great advice by the way.

I will just give you a few links. Stealth Kam gave you some good advice, and has a very good page. smiley - smiley I took a good look at it. You will find <./>DontPanic</.> very handy, and also <./>Askh2g2</.>... I think this page will help you. A719840 you may also find the <./>Welcome</.> page handy as well.

We don't use HTML on on here, we use GuideML. It is very different, but easy once you get use to it. Writing-GuideML and <./>GuideML-Clinic</.> are another two very handy pages. Always remember the <./>HouseRules</.> when doing your page. They are there for a reason, and worth reading. smiley - biggrin

If you click on any of the smilies, it will take you to many more. As Kam said, they are fun to use. Have a cup of smiley - tea and a piece of smiley - cake on me LOL smiley - laugh

I am here to help you any time. Just click on my name above this message, and leave a message on my personal page. I will be back to you as soon as I can. smiley - smiley Kam is doing a great job at helping you.

Oh! nearly fogot. smiley - blush You might also find <./>ACEs</.> helpful. It gives you a list of all the ACE's. All only too pleased to help. smiley - smiley

I got to smiley - run... So good luck, and smiley - cheers

Hello and Welcome to h2g2, you have just been ACE'd

Post 2

Stealth's Cheesecake

cheers for the help

Hello and Welcome to h2g2, you have just been ACE'd

Post 3

Ðåriå¤ÇF¤RM ACE (Tatrix of Ko-ro-ba, and the Diva with the Fever)

smiley - ok Your very welcome. smiley - smiley... That is what we are here for, and smiley - love doing the most. Here have some smiley - cheesecake Cheesecake. smiley - laugh hehe... Couldn't resist that one lol... smiley - biggrin

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