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birthday to me

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Latest reply: Feb 24, 2003

8.49 - 11/2/3

hiiii all!!

just come across ld'ers page..... any1 who remembers me!me!/slurps/magoogy on ld - hi again!!

ive now sobered up totally, but i had to!! .... my 14yr son went missing yesterday - i nearly died!! he's usually home 3.15, i thought he'd just got waylaid awhile - 4.15, still no sign.......i phoned around ... no sign......i walked to his school - he was playing footie, but 4got to tell me!!! aaargh - he thought id over-reacted!! swine!!

now im sat writing this n the cat keeps attacking me........ help!!

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2003

10\02\03 - 10.02am

just got up! feeling rough!!......... i had decided to have a quiet weekend...... SOME HOPE!!!!

friday night i lolled about in bed just watching tv..... fell asleep cosy....... aaaargh - 11oclock rudely woke by phone ..... drunken mate wanting me to go down town - NO CHANCE!! .... fobbed her off by promising to go out sunday wiv her..... sleep.....

8am wakeup to get son ready for training...... supermarket.... nice lasagne 4 lunch.... to mum's 4 nephews 4th bday teaparty...... aaaaargh - little brats - got headache by the time i leave..... home 4 nice soak in bath, good film n a chinese..... aaaaaargh - not happening!!!! persuaded to go out, but got 20mins to get ready - aaaaargh!!............home 2am - brill night - bit hammered!! zzzzzzz

10am - up! meeting mates at 12 - feel totally wasted!!! nice bath n warslap - out again!! ....... home at 8 for chinese - yummy




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Latest reply: Feb 10, 2003

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