This is the Message Centre for brora och aye the noo

my life

Post 1

brora och aye the noo

i dont lead a hectic life nowadays but i have had my moments
i live in edinburgh and have done all my life
i have two sons and five grandchildren ihave been a widow nearly seven years
i dont go out much now so i am more than grateful for people to messags me as long as the younger ones dont expect me to go to smiley - discoas my legs are'nt up to it
i like all kinds of
except heavy metal i used to knit dolls do flower arranging do puzzles and competitions but since getting this ive no time to do anything of course i'm one of the sad set who watches soaps and you dont get much sadder than that
i go smiley - bustours with the other wrinklesand weve been to lots of lovely places
i also have a son who lives on a small island in the west of scotland and my chum and i go there for a wee break now and again when the sea is calm
because its only a small boat that takes you over and you get wet
so i hope your going to drop me a wee note now and again to stop me getting lonely
i'm waiting dont all smiley - runat oncesmiley - hug

my life

Post 2

brora och aye the noo

my life

Post 3

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Can I smiley - run in now?

smiley - winkeye


my life

Post 4

brora och aye the noo

hi you can smiley - run anytime pleased to meet you smiley - lovejinty

my life

Post 5


I'd like to say 'Hi' too.
I spent 4 of the best years of my life in Edinburgh - and a few of the best weeks on one particular tiny island. All a long time ago now.
smiley - rainbow

my life

Post 6

brora och aye the noo

hi nice to hear from you can you remember the name of the island the one my son lives on has only 60 residents 10 of whom are children there is only a pub and a museum no animals no traffic and no shops smiley - wahits great for a wee break but i wouldnt like to be there all the time but they smiley - loveit
smiley - hugjinty

my life

Post 7


The one I went to was Luing - over 20 years ago - stayed in a little cottage that a friend of mine still owns. It's pretty small - we walked round it and went over to Scarba (think that's what it's called) on a farm boat to go and feed the cattle with our friend who owned both islands (assume he still does). I've travelled around a fair bit to other (bigger) islands too. I did a Geology degree at Edinburgh so got to see a lot of the country on field trips.
Is the one your son lives on Easdale Island? We went there for a day trip a couple of years ago and looked across at Luing (very strange feeling!)
smiley - rainbow

my life

Post 8

brora och aye the noo

hi yes your right my son lives on easdale in fact hes just got the ferrymans job there so hes quite happy as its 4 days on and 4 days off just now he drives the school bus picks up all the kids from the islands and takes them into oban
we had never heard of all the islands until he moved there hes got a wee 3yr old boy so i look forward to seeing him
nice to hear from you smiley - love jinty smiley - kiss

my life

Post 9


I know that life on the islands can be hard at times - like all winter! But it does seem like an idyllic life-style the rest of the year. We stayed at the big estate - where the road carries on to the left just before you get to the sharp right bend to go over the bridge to Seil Island. (If I remember rightly that's called the Bridge Ove rthe Atlantic!) I think it's the Ardmaddy Estate - they have a nursery there and the gardens are open to the public. Next time you go to visit your son you'll have to get him to take you there. It's such a lovely peaceful place - and blissfully cool if you are up there in the summer.
smiley - rainbow

my life

Post 10


well hello there brora
guess who?
someone you know very well
we have met lol
i met you with my son lol
have you guessed yet?

my life

Post 11


brilliant how did you manage now i will have to go and have a look at your page try and click on the thread leisure district we are usually in there ex lders i'm glad you got in smiley - rose
i should have offered you a cup of smiley - coffee n asmiley - cakesmiley - lovejinty

my life

Post 12


still trying to get the hang of it jinty
any useful tips would be appreciated
a nice cuppa would go down a treat n since its sunday
your not by any chance doing a greasy fry up lol

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