This is the Message Centre for Laura

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 241

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Lock: Your full name is 'Unconformity'.

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 242


That's right smiley - biggrin

*nibbles strawberry*

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 243

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Lock: Of course it's right. I'm always right, except for that small matter a few years ago... But that doesn't matter now.

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 244


Hmm, where's Esty though, she's much more intersting smiley - biggrin

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 245

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Lock: She is... indisposed.

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 246


*Waites patiently for her to return*

*Nibbles another smiley - strawberry*

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 247

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Lock: I changed my mind. I do want you to guess who I am. It will be amusing.

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 248


But I don't want to, I want Esty back

I have to sort my sister's hair as well smiley - run

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 249

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Esty: Okay, I'm back.

Lock: I still want to see if anyone can guess who I am.

Esty: Go away.

Lock: No.

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 250


Ah, Esty's back smiley - magic

I have to go again though smiley - dohsmiley - run

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 251

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Oh... Byee.

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 252


Trouble with parties is that they take so long to prepare, and clear up for that matter smiley - laugh. Well worth it though smiley - biggrin

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 253

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

smiley - huh

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 254


That's why I had to keep disappearing yesterday, was getting things sorted for the party today. smiley - smiley

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 255


Is someone having a party and not inviting me?!?

How... erm... usual, actually.

TK[1]smiley - pirate

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 256

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

smiley - hug Hi, TK!

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 257


Not my party, my brother's 18th and my mother's 47th. smiley - smiley

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 258


Hi Esty (and Coren) smiley - hug

TK[1]smiley - pirate

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 259

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

smiley - hugs solve everything!

The Summer Party 2004 - Unc's account

Post 260


Except perhaps the lack of smiley - cake I currently have

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