This is the Message Centre for Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

Tut Tut!

Post 1


Did i just misread or did you say Wizard? smiley - erm dunno what youve been practising then..but theres no such thing as a wizard/warlock..just witches... not learnt much for 10 years have you! Ive been into that sort of thing for about the same time if not longer..but id say although ive probly always been a witch (in the abilities,state of mind sense)id only call myself practsing for the last couple of months .. n i that time ivemaybe learnt more than in years of books n stuff. go n have a read of jons space dat get! smiley - cuddle

Tut Tut!

Post 2


daft even..

Tut Tut!

Post 3

Researcher 220282

Wizard you lemon!!! ....been reading to much Harry Potter have we!!! smiley - laugh

Tut Tut!

Post 4

Researcher 220282

was only smiley - jester about the lemonsmiley - laugh

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