Journal Entries

Woo Hoo! Nearly holidays!

I won't be around in the second half of August, so don't think I've abandoned you all. I'll catch up on my threads after Bank Holiday Monday, assuming the ferries don't leave me in France!

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2004

Joys of Spring, etc

Well, I never did identify what the catalysts were for the outpouring of maudlin self-pity at Xmas. Never mind, days are getting longer, waistline less, legs and lungs generally fitter. Making the most of it before the next slough of despond arrives....

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Latest reply: May 10, 2004

Christmas Eve

Well, it's supposedly the happiest time of the year, I have a good job and a lovely family, so why do I feel so down?
I've tried to be logical about it and accentuate the positive aspects, but still feel close to tears. When I manage to 'snap out of it' I'll try to identify what the catalysts were, but once again I'm miserable without any good reason.

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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2003

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