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Revisiting h2g2 BBC Life Notes After 2003 4 years
Posted Dec 24, 2007
Lal DEC 25 Diary 08 4 stored in story 1 Dec 4, and BBC h2g2 copy file.
The Impossible Miracle has happened.
I discovered h2g2 BBC page of 2003 giving me my user ID aklal2003 and hint to accesibility.
So I opened my h2g2 page, and had a whole page of my diary of 2003 spread out in front od me.
It is a good idea to keep a list og user ID and website memberships separately so that we do not pieces of life, in random world of cyberchondriac surfing incessantly.
Life is now measured in terms of surfing time, sites visited, networking done, and the ideas collected.
The visit to past life - an excercise of memory by definition- is the subject discussed in the revisit page.
I am sure there are many stories of my life hidden on these so called diary pages.
I will keep a copy of this posting in the new files created today including folders on MY STORY1, and New year folder for 06, and name and number my entries serially for 08.
I must create a schedule of sites to be visited occaisonally, and create blogs by posting them and convert blogs to Books for printing.
Create CD's and DVD's of life by combininng them
Today, I received Eorldspace newsletter 'VOICE', and felt very good.
This is a programme with expanding content, provides a life style based on Radio.
It ais also available on the WEB.
I saw a programme showing magis, some yogi tricks- walking on broken glass, stoppiing heart, and predicting contents of newspapers. Interesting. Inf'luential
I am taking a tea break now. see you.
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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2007
Mind Today : any Ideas Many worlds: Barefoot around the world: Goole Life: Village Engineering and Bicycle in Future of India
Posted May 30, 2007
My life has been an eruption of a mental volcano.
Last 24 hours were busy thinking abobout things listed in the title above, but also many more listed below.
It appears i am a lister, introvert, battling the extrovert within me.
B. The list of what keeps my mind busy, and answers Am I ahead of the curve? Yes is the answer, and the list nelow illustrates my strategy for keeping up. Now to the list.
C. The List:
Lal 007 Moods Diary May 30, 2007
00Surfing: Weblist Today- google news May 30, 2007
2. Psychology: Am I An Introvert ?
3. Yesterdays Activities: G Mail Membership, BiCycles Functions: Village Engineering, Barefoot College Crafts, Commerce/ Google My Page
4. Issues: BPO Vs Immigration, : Innovation (china) R & D
5. Home Makeover: Arrangements Woodwork in Kitchen, Cleanup
6. New Computer Table
7 Camera Digital
8. Video Integration
9. SIM Card Reader
10 Blogs Video, Photp, Text
11. Mag Ideas: Coloumnists Today: Including Obituaries
12. Daily Activities: Better Photos, Mail, Surfing News, Suicides, Crimes, Newspapers (Indian and Foreign), Radio: World Space, Internet
13. Link Buildup Favs, Odi, Google
14. Tracking : Diabetes,
15. Books: Reviews, E Books, Writers
16. Writing: Hobby, Profession, Journalism
17. Photography
18. Roof Top: My heart is on the roof and mind in the basement: Extrovert And Introvert inside Me:
19. Happiness Research: Happiness and Guppiness: Stress and Communications Management.
20. Lifes Lessons: See: Quotes. Brevity Files, Folder 6 May 28, 29.
21. Life is balancing Life style, Choice, and mindset and attitude.: Do the balancing act now.
22. Am I ahead of the wave? yes . The UN AND AMITYA SEN are adding Wellness Index to GDP to measure Poverty and Wealth of the poor and their empowerment/ It reflects Happiness Index I have in mind. and indicates a mental state and measures psychological factors relating to
stress manageent and communications.
More in next journal entry. I am also adding this in Oprah . com journal and creating a word file for recording in xanga 2007.
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Latest reply: May 30, 2007
GREAT Ideas Today MAR 1
Posted Mar 1, 2007
Some Positives today
The mind is full of Joy, Stress of indecesion, Meditation and controlling diabetese.
Some positive thoughts boosts the brain activity and roduces great ideas.
I am happiness and radiate joy.
As I traverse my pranayam, chakras, and chant mantras, the physical body, the spiritual self, the diine consciousness and the internal subtle 'self' is one (Yoga) with the external universe.
Now to the three great ideas today.
1. Create Science clubs, based on science, life, mind, body time experiments. Have micro finance support and business model.
2. Introduce Key chain phone for contacts, and keypad with buttons indicating food, lessons, survey reply, VoIP phone indicating key results, database, on finance, health, Nutrition and education.
3. Solar hybrid energy project for transport. food cooking, and home services-lighting, cooking, and small business/ crime prevention and control.
Create company for producing hybrid buggy vehicle for three persons, transportation micro enterprise, and 2,3,4 wheeler vehicles, power projects, and mobile WiFi communication media, and energy centre and enterprise.
Combine threegreat ideas to integerate idea, action, and performance of having creative services.
Thiis will take care of crime, corruption, and infrastructre, transport, energy, education, and health needs. It will inculcate scientific temper, provide networking, and have an interface with the world around us.
Create a new model of of life style including high efficience, high productivity, life style with new type of food (for solar cooking)easy transportation of persons and people. Contacting will mean GPS info, map. and voicemail lifetime guidance optimization and and patents support. for every one to montize ideas, life style patents, and "perfect" bite, sip and nutrition, health food (integrating all the four, Cook only small bites for Solar cooker 'Katories'..
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Latest reply: Mar 1, 2007
Search Results of SUICIDE Reports WHO
Posted Oct 3, 2005
The following is a copy of search results foe WHO Report on Suicide.
It als provides useful links to other sites on the subject
This Entry to the journal can be read along with my previous entry entitled " How many Commit suicide and WHY?"
How Many Commit Suicide and Why?
Post: 1
Posted 15 Minutes Ago by Online Nowaklal2003
About 1 million commit suicide every yearin the world.
Murder and wars will account for 1.5 million upto 2020.
Source of this statistics was the WHO.
Suicide can be dramatically reduced if a close watch is kept on the most popular methods of suicide like Insect killers, arms, and painkillers.
Lal XP 5 Oct 3 Serch Suicide WHO Report
On deathFree Search, Criminal Record Finder Public Records Background
Birth And Other Records.Birth, Marriage, Divorce, Death Records, Personal Info, And
Suicide Thoughts?Take this quick test to find
Web Results 1-10 of 315,100. Powered by Ask Jeeves
The Hindu : National : NHRC seeks report on suicides in J&K National NHRC seeks report on suicides in J&K ... By Our Legal Correspondent
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - PunjabP U N J A B S T O R I E S TOP STORIES Centre sends top official to report on suicides Sarbjit Dhaliwal Tribune News Service
Press release - YOUNG SUICIDES CAN AND MUST BE PREVENTED, SAYS NEW...11 July 2001 Young suicides can and must be prevented, says new ChildLine report on suicidal children Every year around 1,500 children call...
Veterans dispute US army report on suicides -DAWN - International;...Please Visit our Sponsor (Ads open in separate window) Veterans dispute US army report on suicides By Our Correspondent
The Correctional Service of Canada 1996-1997 Retrospective Report on...The Correctional Service of Canada 1996-1997 Retrospective Report on Inmate Suicides and Prisoner Suicide: A Review of the Literature. RTF...
New York Daily News - World & National Report - G.I. suicides soar...G.I. suicides soar in Iraq...
Govt studying Veeresh committee report on suicides - The Times of...Govt studying Veeresh committee report on suicides ... TIMES NEWS NETWORK [ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 03, 2003 07:56:23 PM ],prtpage-1.cms - Man charged in sex assault commits suicide -...Man charged in sex assault commits suicide - EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily Times does not normally report suicides, but did so in this case because the
Report on suicides in California (Dept. of Health Services, Health...Report on suicides in California. Post a Comment. EDITORIAL BOARD: None listed PUBLISHER: Dept.
VPN - Report on suicides in Victorian prisons tabledPresented by Robert Clark MP Report on suicides in Victorian prisons tabled...
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How Many Commit Suicide and Why? Post: 1
Posted 15 Minutes Ago by aklal2003
About 1 million commit suicide every yearin the world.
Murder and wars will account for 1.5 million upto 2020.
Source of this statistics was the WHO.
Suicide can be dramatically reduced if a close watch is kept on the most popular methods of suicide like Insect killers, arms, and painkillers.
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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2005
How Many Commit Suicide and Why?
Posted Oct 3, 2005
About 1 million commit suicide every yearin the world.
Murder and wars will account for 1.5 million upto 2020.
Source of this statistics was the WHO.
Suicide can be dramatically reduced if a close watch is kept on the most popular methods of suicide like Insect killers, arms, and painkillers.
The International Association for Suicide Prevention, and WHO are celeberating World Suicide Day to increase the awareness about Suicides.
WHO Head of Psychological Diseases Ms Katherine le Gales-Camus commenting on this tragic problem, said that these pointless deaths can be prevented if a world wide campaign is undertaken to bring about awareness.
According to WHO the number of people attempting suicide is far greater.. Every year about 10 to 20 million people attempt suicide.
The highest incidence of suicide is in East Europe, whereas Latin America, Muslim and some Asian countries have much less incidence of suicides.
The suicide rate goes up with age. but recently the age group between 15 and 25 adolescents, and young people have taken to suicide in increasing numbers.
During my research on Suicide, I have compiled the list of materials used in suicide, Group - suicide pacts, and in oregon usa, suicide party where the person going to commit suicide, invites people and commits suicide as a party activity.
In addition, cult based suicides and the Roman suicide by taking the poisoned drink offered by the emperoor were also forms of political Suicides.
In the human history, most famous suicides have been of Cleopatra and Socratese.
Ordinary people commit suicide due to failure, business collapse, bankruptcy, failure in love and due to mental illnesses including depression.
Prolonged illness, family disputes, stress and tension may also be reasons of committing suicide.
Most of socities have helplines for those contemplatin suicide, and health authorities have first aid and emergency procedures for treating those who attempt suicide.
Law does not sanction suicide.
Attempted suicide is punishable crime under the law.
Media and magazines give prominent importance to stories relating to suicides in newspapers. Recently 'kadambini' a hindi magazine brought out a special number devouted to Suicide.
A serch on the web yields a large number of hits, and suicidal tendencies, their treatment forms an important part of psychiatric care and mental healthcare.
In view of the above, it is proposed, that a systematic analysis, prevention and proactive action for prevention of suicides world--wide be takenup.
This will include suicide prevention web sites, helpline and counselling centres, and a rapid action task force which can reach and help the victims promptly.
It can form a part of any disaster management, health and welfare planning, and social welfare programmes.
Detailed studies of forensic aspects of suicides be undertaken, as many murders are also passed on as suicides. Young married woman, teen age girls, farmers, and women are more vulnerable.
Socities where the incidence of suicide is higher, should undertake special programmes for prevention of suicide, includin new laws, religious support systems, and mental health care.
Application of hypnosis and self-hypnosis for stress relief, delivering positive suggestions and change of thought patterns and beehavioural modification can be investigated.
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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2005
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