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Well... I know I disappeared again but I am back xD
Posted May 24, 2007
Well I moved back to Pennasylvania, USA from Oregon started at a Technical school, and then just a week ago recieved an internship offer for Intel, so guess what! I am moving back to Oregon USA to work for Intel! I will be on alot more then if that is the case. Hope to see you guys soon and keep in touch on MSN the name is [email protected]! Don't be strangers!
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Latest reply: May 24, 2007
Well guys I thought I would post again
Posted Jul 4, 2006
Well I came back, then I disappeared, and now I am back again!!! I just moved all the way from Pennsylvania, USA to Oregon, USA which is a good 2,820 miles away!!!! Other than that same old same old, graduated high school, looking for a few universities or technical school to go into. No job yet, still looking but I am now having any luck. Well that about sums it all up! I am glad to be back as well(just a side note XD)!!
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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2006
well I feel stupid!
Posted Jan 24, 2006
I kept going to old friends and sending them a message! i will do it this way! I am back and ready to RP like always! I was sititng here deciding wether I should come back and Well h2g2 will always win! So I am back and this time I don't think I will be leaving!
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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2006
My camping trip that wasnt really a camping trip :-)
Posted Jan 27, 2003
Well on friday at three we left for mount pocono. It was really cold and there was lots of snow. When we got there we put or stuff in the right cabins and started conversing with other people that were there. The cabins are like barracks. They had bunks and we shared them with fifty other people. While we were conversing we started a game of pool. Acctually it was a championship game of pool but thats besides the point. We then had to go to bed because we had to get up at like 7:00 in the morning. We got up got dressed and walked up a hill to the mian lodge to eat breakfast. The food was nasty, we swear they reused their food from other meals. After breakfast we went back down to our cabins and had classes until 12:30. At 12:30 we had lunch and then we had free time from 1:30-5:30 and at 5:30 we had dinner. After dinner we did the bible readings and then had an evening program. Me and my friends missed the evening program because we didnt know there was one until my uncle came looking for us. After the evening program we had devotions at 10:00 and then we had to go to our cabins. We stayed up until 3:15 messing with each other. It started when someone put snow in one of our sleeping bags. So when we found out we put toothpaste in his hand when he was sleeping but he woke up, found out it was us who put the toothpaste there, and then he rubbed it in our faces and on our sleeping bags and stuff. On sunday morning we had breakfast and then came down for classes. After classes we had memorial service and then lunch. After we ate we said good-bye to all of our friends and then we left. So all-in-all we had a great weekend. By the way we = me, my sister, and my cousin, and all of our friends. So that is what I did this weekend. If you would like to point anything out like grammer errors or spelling errors feel free to.
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Latest reply: Jan 27, 2003
Nothing much
Posted Jan 23, 2003
Well today is a lovely day to go out and hang with family or chill in the snow but i have to do school I hate school with a passion and i cant wait until im out of school which will be a while. well if anyone else has comments on school, snow, how our schools are run, and the sort just start talking i am always on and im sure im not the only one
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Latest reply: Jan 23, 2003
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Nova Rift (Werecat/wolf, First Mate of Pirates, Captain of The white Defender, and a Jedi Padawan named Fr' Tel Powil)
Researcher U216497
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